
Pages from the Past - From our 135-year Archives for January 30, 2022
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
January 26, 2007
- Plainview School is planning a Book Beach Fair, which will run for two weeks and offer a great variety of reading material, games, posters, and fun merchandise for all ages.
- About Town- Melissa Peterson & Doris Lessenden: To our snowbirds in alleged “warm” southern states, we wish you were here to enjoy our snow with us!
- Wild Horse Roundup- Curtis Schrimp: While looking in an album, I saw the discharge papers for my dad. He was in the Spanish America War dated 1898. His mustering out pay was $90.66.
- KCEDF hires Lisa L. Trigilio as new director.
25 Years Ago
January 24, 1997
- The Union Pacific Railroad plans to transfer at least 110 workers from its Grand Junction switching yard as the result of its merger with Southern Pacific.
- Test results are in, and Colorado is Karnal Bunt free. Good news for wheat producers and grain exporters.
40 Years Ago
January 22, 1982
- Peter C. Frank, Eads Chief of Police, submitted his resignation to the Board of Trustees. The resignation comes a little over five months since he was hired by the Town Board
50 Years Ago
January 28, 1972
- Increase oil and gas activity in Kiowa County. A well site southeast of Eads had flow rate of 5.5 million cubic feet per day.
- Beginning typing class being held at the Eads High School is looking for more interested individuals.
- Tina Rehfeld won third place in statewide competition for sixth grade conservation poster contest.
- Loudilla, Kay and Loretta Johnson, of Wild Horse formed a Loretta Lynn Fan Club about nine years ago and now are on their way to Wembley, England, for the International County Music Festival as guest for the county music star.