
Pages from the Past - From our 136-year Archives for May 7, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
May 2, 2008
- Postage prices go up May 12. US First Class one ounce will increase one penny, from 41 to 42 cents.
25 Years Ago
May 1, 1998
- AD: Taste-A-Treat Something New Ice Cream Cakes in three sizes
- The Kiowa County Senior 4-H Livestock Judging team placed third in a good invitational contest at Rocky Ford.
40 Years Ago
May 6, 1983
- By a vote of 5-2, the RE-1 School Board voted to close the Haswell Elementary School.
- According to the Kiowa County Commissioners, plowing upon, or otherwise damaging or obstructing county and other road rights-of-way is illegal and will be subject the offending party to criminal penalties.
50 Years Ago
May 4, 1973
- At least 250 horses are expected to be entered in the annual running at the Buffalo Meadows.
75 Years Ago
April, 1948
- The Kiowa County Commissioner announced a bounty of $2.50 for each pair of coyote ears brought in by local people.
100 Years Ago
April, 1923
- Harry Davis is the first one to plant potatoes in the Prairie Queen neighborhood.
- A big dance was pulled off at Arlington. John Barleycorn was in evidence as shown by the empty bottles.