RRWCD to Hold Quarterly Board Meeting in Holyoke
The Board of Directors of the Republican River Water Conservation District (RRWCD) will hold their quarterly board meeting in the Biesemeier Room of the Phillips County Event Center, in Holyoke CO, on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, beginning at 10:00 AM. The event center is located at 22505 U.S. Highway 385 Holyoke, CO 80734.
The Board will review the minutes of the May 21, 2024, quarterly Board meeting and the July 31, 2024, special Board meeting.
Administrative reports to be given include the Board President’s report by Rod Lenz and the General Manager’s report by Deb Daniel. Reon McBride, finance and office manager, will give the district financial report. Payton Liming, administrative assistant, will give an update on the number of irrigated acres retired in the South Fork Focus Zone. Pipeline Operator, Tracy Travis, will report on the status of the annual maintenance of the Compact Compliance Pipeline.
The Board committees will report on their activity since the last quarterly meeting. Board members representing the District to associated organizations will also report on recent activities.
The District water engineer will report on the evaluations he has been working on for the RRWCD. The RRWCD state and federal lobbyists will report on legislative actions being considered in Denver and Washington, D.C.. Legal Counsel for the RRWCD will also give a report.
The public comment session will be held at 1:00 PM.
Chris Kucera, Republican River team lead commissioner, will report on water issues in the basin.
Local representatives for federal and state legislators will be invited to speak during the afternoon session.
CSU Professors Jordan Suter and Dale Manning will give an update on the status of the Economic Impact Study they are currently working on.
Steven Meakins, member of the Fee Evaluation Committee, will present a concept for the RRWCD Water Use Assessment. Reon McBride, office and finance manager will demonstrate how this new proposal will work using the RRWCD fee dashboard.
Tim Pautler, along with Bill Hahn and Dennis McGrane, will give an update on the progress of the pipeline maintenance and expansion project.
Under Board discussion & action items, the Board will discuss and vote on approving the 2023 annual audit and the 2023 single audit. The Board will vote on whether to pursue production of podcasts to inform and educate the public about RRWCD efforts and actions taken in the Basin.
Don Brown and Deb Daniel will give an update on the USDA FSA CP-100 dryland farmable CREP program. The Board will vote on a draft letter to be sent to USDA FSA and to the Colorado Department of Natural Resources.
Pete Ampe and David Robbins will give a report on converting RRWCD surface water rights to in-stream flows. The Board will vote on whether to move forward with this legal action.
The RRWCD Board of Directors will hold an executive session to receive legal advice on legal questions and litigation concerning water rights; to discuss and determine positions, develop strategies, and instruct negotiators concerning the purchase or lease of water rights; determine positions and instruct negotiators concerning water supply acquisition, receive legal advice on legal questions related to such agreements, contracts and easements, discuss program applications for matters such as the Compact Compliance Pipeline, Bonny Reservoir and personnel matters.
All RRWCD meetings are open to the public. For those wishing to participate via Zoom, a link will be provided on the RRWCD website at www.repubicanriver.com
For further information concerning the details of this meeting, contact the RRWCD staff at 970-332-3552 or Deb Daniel, RRWCD general manager, at 970-630-3525.