Senator Rod Pelton’s 2023 Interim Newsletter
There has been a lot of discussion around Proposition HH these last few months and ballots are going to be sent out here in the next few weeks. As a quick recap, Prop HH was created as a result of Senate Bill 23-303 being passed during the last hours of this past Legislative Session with no stakeholder feedback or time for review. Neither SB23-303 or Prop HH are the solutions to this issue. We need to let our local governments handle property taxes by either decreasing Mill Levies or by offering temporary property tax credits. Sadly, the majority of the State Legislature voted against local control. Now it is up to you, a Colorado voter, to vote to protect TABOR.
The way Prop HH is being presented and worded on the ballot is deceptive and misleading as it promises (short term) property tax relief asking to "reduce and alter the state's property tax structure." The thing is, we do not need a vote by the people for the state to reduce property tax or any tax; however, we do need a vote of the people to increase any tax or to be able to keep our TABOR refunds. If passed, Prop HH will slowly strip away our TABOR tax refunds and cause a yearly compounding 1% to the TABOR cap which will amount to approximately $10 Billion in a ten-year time span. If we are being truthful, Prop HH is a vote for increased taxes and a vote to give the government more of our TABOR tax refunds.
Like you, I am concerned with where our State is going and will continue to do what I can to offer common sense to my colleagues here at the Colorado Capitol, but I am asking you to help me share this information with your family and friends.
We need to defeat this awful ballot initiative next month, be sure to vote NO on Proposition HH.
During the interim, I am still actively working for my constituents by working on items brought forth by committees that I sit on, participating in upcoming bill discussions, and attending events throughout Senate District 35.
Below are the interim and year-round committees that I am a member on:
- Legislative Audit Committee (year-round)
- Opioid and Other Substance Use Disorders Study Committee (interim)
- Treatment of Persons with Behavioral Health Disorders in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems (interim)
As we have only a few months remaining of interim, it’s time that we gear up and start the discussions for the upcoming 2024 Legislative Session – which will convene on Wednesday, January 10th.
As always, please feel free to reach out to me as it is my honor to serve you.
Senator Rod Pelton