A Special Thank You
The residents of Eads have often seen this gentleman out in his motorized wheelchair, scooping up dirt and placing in potholes in the street. He does this because he has pride in the community not for any special recognition. I have seen him out when most of us take to the comfort of our homes when what we call the extreme elements – heat – cold or wind, there he is completing the task he started out to do.
I have walked past my business past several months thinking ‘I really need to get these bushes trimmed and some of these weeds pulled. Recently I’m thinking “something looks different” but couldn’t quite figure out what it was. As I continued on there was Mike busy with his nippers finishing trimming up the bushes. Not only that he had the weeds pulled that were in the sidewalk cracks, he had cleaned up the debris left.
What a special person we have living here. Thank you so much Mike.
Jeanne Sorensen Plains Network Services Inc