PROMO 64 Government - Building Eads Town Hall at Sunrise - Chris Sorensen

Town of Eads board of trustee meeting minutes - February 10, 2025

Eads Town Hall at Sunrise - © / Chris Sorensen

The meeting was called to order by mayor pro tem Dennis Pearson at 5:00 P.M.

Roll call was taken by Robin Fox. Those council members present are

  • Tuck Liebl,
  • Fred Derby,
  • Kathy McCracken,
  • Mayor Joe Shields Absent,
  • Rich O’Brian and Stephanie Sewell Absent.
  • Mikahael Rogers, assistant Town Clerk, was present.
  • Trent Rittgers, Director of Public Works,

Guest present were Eric Pearson, Betsy Barnett, Glenn Smith, Chad Rouse, and Van Brown

Public Comment- Betsy Barnett gave an update on the remodel of the buildings attached to the theater that will house the library.


Tuck Liebl, made a motion to approve the January minutes that were presented. Fred Derby seconded the motion. All Ayes


A motion was made by Kathy McCracken to approve the bills and seconded by Tuck Liebl. All Ayes.


Airport contract with Roger Saffer, Fred Derby talked with the town attorney and they are checking on something’s with this.


Dennis Pearson presented Van Brown with a plaque for his 40 years of dedication to the town. Betsy Barnett took pictures.

Lisa- Was present and gave an update on the LWCF grant for the new pool we should hear if we qualify for that grant late spring early summer. We still need donations. If we do not get our funding soon we could lose our GOCO grant.

Old pool- Chad Rouse came to offer some ways to help tear down the old pool and is going to check on something to help move this along. Glenn Smith said once the ground is clear and level the school will take the deed back over, they are hoping to put a building that will house the weights and some other things in it. Robin will send the deed to the attorney and see what his thoughts are on somethings. Trent let the board know, that the sewer pipes are all busted in the basement now, and will cause drainage issues.

The board discussed some complaints on a few properties here that need something done with them; they decided to turn those properties over to the attorney for his attention.

The board talked about the complaints that everyone had regarding, some misprinted information in the paper about the trash. They said this was a discussion with state rules changing, nothing more on the discussion. They also discussed misprinted information regarding the water usage and the fire department.

Trent ask the board if they wanted just the double yellow lines painted or if they wanted everything painted, they decided to paint everything, as soon as the weather changes.

Meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.

Bring up Items-

Executive Session- NONE

Dennis Pearson, PRO Mayor

Robin Fox, Town Clerk