
Pages from the Past - From our 136-year Archives for August 6, 2023
Kiowa County Press historic front page.
15 Years Ago
August 1, 2008
- Kiowa County implemented a reverse telephone alert system that adds to the county’s ability to notify resents about critical information during emergencies.
25 Years Ago
July 31, 1998
- USDA Update- Rod Johnson: In May 1996 price of wheat in Kiowa County was $4.70 per bu., in July 1998 it is around $2.20 per bu.
- East End Events- Christy Hopkins: Several traveled to La Junta, had dinner at Felica’s, and then attended “Fiddler on the Roof” at the Picketwire Theater.
40 Years Ago
August 5, 1983
- Two new physicians have arrived in Eads. Drs. John Hadley & Michael Fuhrman began work August 1.
- June & Gene Owens purchase the C.J Saloon. The “June Bug” as now known, was originally owned by June from 1979-1980. She sold it, and now she and Gene have repurchased the lounge and both will manage it.
50 Years Ago
August 3, 1973
- Johnny Western, formerly of “Have Gun Will Travel” will be the star of the Grand Ole Opry show to appear in conjunction with the Kiowa County Fair.
75 Years Ago
August, 1948
- Several in Eads recently purchased new cars. Ray Aldrich’s a new Pontiac, George Crow’s a Chrysler and Kenneth Seirer’s a Packard.
- Towner- 225 cars of wheat have been shipped from here at this time.
100 Years Ago
August, 1923
- Haswell will have a rodeo & barbecue. There will be bronco busting, races, ball games & more.