From the Extension Agent’s Desk - Rules of the Road During Harvest
Open Scale Nights/Livestock Deadline/KC Melodrama
Happy Fair Season!
For all 4-H and FFA Livestock Exhibitors, I will be holding open scale nights on August 10th, 17th, and 31st from 6:00-8:00 p.m. I want to encourage you all to attend! As for swine exhibitors, please get in touch with me if you would like for me to come to your house and weigh your pigs.
I also want to remind everyone, including open class livestock, that the deadline to enter your livestock for the fair is August 11th by 4: 30 p.m. Here’s a great idea, bring all your paperwork to the open scale night on the 10th! It’ll save you a trip. Please go to
http://kiowa.extension.colostate.edu/kiowa-county-fair-rodeo/ to find the entry forms. They are towards the bottom of the page. Also, please read through all the information on that site. We don’t want anyone showing up at the fair not entered and have to be turned away.
Finally, I want all to be aware that the Kit Carson Melodrama will not be able to perform this year during the fair. We had a great time doing it last year but due to several cast members not being able to make it, it is a no go for this year. It is printed in the fair book and on the flyers, so I didn’t want anyone waiting outside the theater for something that isn’t going to happen.
That’s it for now! We are gearing up here at the office and we encourage everyone to ask plenty of questions and ask them early. Please don’t wait until the last minute to turn in entries or to read your fair books. Our goal is to help facilitate a happy, fun, stress and drama free fair! I know, but I can dream!!