Flags in front of the Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. The building is surrounded by trees.

Kiowa County Commissioners meeting agenda - June 15, 2023

Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen


  • 9:00am   Open meeting-vouchers-
  • 9:30am   Cindy McLoud – KCEDF Update      
  • 10:00am Cherice Mullins – Old Sr. Center
  • 10:30am Terry Ferrington – Transmission in ROW     
  • 11:00am Invenergy - Setbacks          
  • 11:30am                 
  • LUNCH  JJ’s Restaurant
  • 1:00pm Dennis Pearson – DSS Report           
  • 1:30pm                   
  • 2:00pm Tony Pelletiere – Sidwell GIS Software
  • 2:30pm                   
  • 3:00pm Assessor - Schneider GIS Presentation
  • 3:30pm Carol Ho / E3 Consulting - Interview
  • 4:00pm Corinna Photos / Spirit Environmental - Interview

Opening of Meeting

  • Minutes of last meeting:
  • Approval vouchers:
  • Approval /Additions to Agenda


  1. Grant Updates / CDOT Transit Grant 
  2. Landfill / Recycling Update
  3. Housing Update
  4. P&Z Update / 1041 Setback Regulations / 1041 Special Review / 2018 IBC-IECC
  5. Redistricting Update

Upcoming Meetings:

  • June 21       SAGE/SEBREA
  • June 28       SECED
  • June 29       Commissioner Meeting
  • July 3          Community Corrections Meeting
  • July 11        P&Z Meeting
  • July 5          Fair Board Meeting
  • July 12        RESADA
  • July 13        Commissioner Meeting 


Treasurer’s report / Clerk Report /  TV Tower Report  / Sheriff Activity Report 

Model Traffic Report / EM Report

  1. Time Off Request Forms
  2. New Hire Report
  3. Maintenance issues
  4. Fairgrounds Rentals
  5. Resolution 2023-3 1041 Permitting Setbacks
  6. Assessor GIS System
  7. Application Review – Schedule Interviews
  8. Towner East Wind Project – Designation of State Interest
  9. Towner West Wind Project – Designation of State Interest

Note: The attorney had some medical issues so we did not get the resolution in time and we have found additional corrections that need to be made.  There will be no vote tomorrow.  We hope to get the final draft of the resolution out to everyone early next week and will schedule the vote for the June 29th meeting