PROMO Government - Eads Town Hall - Chris Sorensen

Town of Eads Board of Trustees meeting minutes - November 8, 2022

Eads, Colorado, Town Hall © - Chris Sorensen

The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Tuesday November 8, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. Robin Fox took roll call:

  • Mayor – Joe D. Shields- Present
  • Trustees – Present –Kathy McCracken, Stephanie Sewell, Tuck Liebl, Dennis Pearson
  • Absent – Justin McLoud, Fred Derby
  • Town Clerk- Robin Fox 
  • Assistant Clerk- Mikahael McCracken
  • Director of Public Works-Van Brown
  • Town Attorney – Lance Clark – Absent

Minutes­- Kathy McCracken moved to approve the minutes as presented. Tuck Liebl seconded, motion passed unanimously. 

Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Dennis Pearson moved to approve payment of the bills.  Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.

Public Comment- Kayla Murdock with Kiowa County Sheriff’s office was present. She handed out a graph of all the calls they did for the month of October in Kiowa County. Brian Williams was present, he asked the board to consider a raise in the sheriff agreement we pay $61,000 now a year. He would like to add $25,000 this year; he said that all the counties around us are paying $20,000 to $30,000 more for deputies. He would like to be able to pay a higher wage to keep our deputies. The board did approve to raise the agreement by $25,000. Stephanie Sewell moved to approve the raise, Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.

New Business:  

Ordinance 413 rate increase was presented. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the increase. Stephanie Sewell seconded, motion passed unanimously.

The budget, with increases, was presented the board agreed to all the changes. The final budget will be presented at the December meeting.  Raises for a few employees were discussed; it was decided to do a $1.00 an hour raise for 3 employees and 3% raise on another. One employee wage is set by the state. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the 2 positions at $1.00 an hour and the 3% raise, Tuck Liebl seconded, motion passed unanimously. The other position with $1.00 an hour raise, Stephanie Sewell, moved to approve of the raise, Tuck Liebl seconded, Kathy McCracken abstained from voting, motion passed unanimously. 

FAMLI Act leave:  It was decided to opt in on the act. Tuck Liebl moved to approve opting in, Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.

Grants- Cindy McLoud gave an update about the CDOT grant for the sidewalk in front of the theater. She did turn in a pool narrative that Betsy Barnett wrote for the GOCO grant. We will not know anything until after November 18, 2022 on the grant. With much discussion the board has asked Cindy to make sure and stay in touch with the office more and get approval before doing anything that they are not aware of. They would like to know when she is having other people involved in things and they would like to see things before they are turned in. They also stated they would like to see grants not pushing the deadlines; they would like them done sooner. They also want emails cc with the town of Eads on all town projects.  

Executive Session- None

Adjournment- Meeting was adjourned 7:20 

Joe D. Shields, Mayor


Robin Fox, Town Clerk