Town of Eads Meeting Minutes – July 19
The Regular Meeting of the Town of Eads Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor Shields, Wednesday July 19, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall. Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk, took roll call:
Mayor – Joe D. Shields- present
Trustees – Present –Justin McLoud, Dennis Pearson, Kathy McCracken, and Terry Riley
Absent –
Town Clerk- Robin Fox –Present
Assistant Clerk- Shealynn McCracken-Present
Director of Public Works- Van Brown- Present
Audiences/Public Comment Period – No Audience or Public Comment Period
Minutes- Terry Riley moved to approve the minutes as amended. Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Approval of Bills – The finance committee reviewed the bills prior to the meeting. Justin McLoud moved to approve payment of the bills in the packet, as well as, the “Bring up bills” as presented at the meeting. Kathy McCracken seconded, the motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Building Permit- The board was presented with a draft ordinance from the attorney for the building codes and permits from the June meeting. No board members had any amendments to the ordinance. Justin McLoud moved to approve Ordinance 403, Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Water Project- Rodney from GMS gave updates on the water project.
Expansion of Public Works Property- Director of Public Works explained to the board that he offered the owner the $5,000 for the property that bordered the city shop. The owner came back with a counter offer of $8,000. Dennis Pearson moved to make a counter offer of $6,500, Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
New Business:
Amanda Brown- Amanda Brown was in attendance to present the 2016 audit to the board. Kathy McCracken moved to approve the audit, Justin McLoud seconded, and motion passed unanimously. Amanda also presented the board with a letter of engagement for her services for the 2017 audit. Dennis Pearson moved to hire Amanda Brown for the 2017 audit. Justin McLoud seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Priscilla Waggoner- She was not in attendance at the meeting.
David Kraft- David Kraft, the City Fire Chief, gave updates on the donations for the fireworks. Chief Kraft also mentioned that he would like to meet at the May meeting and try to get firework donations early. He also mentioned how they did receive a donation for helping with the scavenger hunt. The fire department will be using that donation to get hats and T-shirts for the firefighters that helped. There was a box of fireworks that were left over from Fourth of July. Chief Kraft would like to use those during the Maine Street Bash on July 29th. The board all agreed with the proposal.
Resolution to lower the number on the board- The Town Clerk brought up to the board about possibly making a resolution to lower the number of board members. The board discussed this and said they would like to wait because they have had two potential community members who have shown interest in sitting on the board.
Bill Barlow- Bill Barlow was in attendance at the board meeting to discuss the drainage ditch on 14th and Eder Streets. Mr. Barlow explained to the board his concerns about the drainage ditch. The board asked the Director of Public Works when he could work on the drainage ditch. He stated that until the water project was completed he could not get to it until September. The board agreed for him to complete the task in September. The town attorney was present as well, and let Mr. Barlow know that the city does own the easement of the property in question, and it follows the property not the owner. The town is the only entity that has the right to do any work on that easement.
Bring-Up Items
Swimming Lessons- Justin McLoud brought up how he thought that the guards were doing a great job with swimming lessons this year.
Camera for Office- Director of Public Works brought up how he believed a camera for the office would be beneficial. Justin McLoud moved to find a camera that records picture and sound. Terry Riley seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Adjourn- Justin McLoud moved to adjourn the meeting, Kathy McCracken seconded, motion passed unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Joe D. Shields, Mayor
Shealynn McCracken, Assistant Town Clerk