USDA Update – October 15, 2019
ARCPLC Producer Meetings - Various locations throughout Colorado. CONTACT THE FSA OFFICE OR CSU Extension for location near you.
CRP Meeting - November 13 - Las Animas - Call Cathy at 719-543-1324 – RSVP REQUIRED
Farm Loan personnel in Eads Office – 2nd Tuesday every month
COC Meeting - TBA
2019 Market Facilitation Program - Call and schedule your appointment!
2019 & 2020 - ARCPLC signup - Begins October 1
2020 Acreage Reporting Deadline - November 15, 2019 Wheat, perennial grasses and alfalfa
Disclaimer: Information in this UPDATE is pertinent to Kiowa County FSA only. Producers reading this and that do not have FSA interest in Kiowa County are advised to contact their local FSA Office.
The required funding to issue the 2019 Marketing Facilitation Program or MFP has not been received. Producers who have signed applications but have not received payment, the funding issue most likely is the reason.
The deadline to apply for 2019 MFP is December 6, 2019. Producers who had an crop share interest in planted acres for 2019 are eligible to apply. Producers need to contact their recording county which is the county that records all eligibility documents.
As harvest time draws to an end it’s time to think about summarizing and submitting your NAP production evidence to the FSA office for both loss calculation and next year’s yields. Most times it’s easier to find those scale tickets, sales receipts and pick records now that it will be in six months!
Producers are reminded that FSA does not allow producers to certify production in a loss year. If you’ve suffered a loss and have filed notice with the FSA office, you must provide verifiable or reliable production records within 60 days of completing harvest. Verifiable records are those which show quantity, price, date and disposition of the crop, sales receipts or settlement sheets are good examples. Verifiable records are records which FSA can verify by contacting a 3rd party. Producers not having verifiable records may submit reliable records which may include documentary evidence, such as contemporaneous measurements, truck scale tickets, pick records, and contemporaneous diaries, as necessary, to verify information provided by the producer if the eligible crop was stored, sold, fed to livestock, or otherwise disposed of other than through commercial channels.
If you’ve completed harvest and have your production farm stored, you may request FSA dispatch a Loss Adjustor to measure your production for loss calculation. If you have questions regarding your notice of loss or in submission of production records, please contact our office.
2018 PLC and ARC-CO payments
The payments for the last year for ARC and PLC under the 2014 Farm Bill were certified and signed early last week and should be in producers bank accounts. Producers with assignments on file, will still receive a transaction statement regarding the amount and where the money was assigned.
Payments for 2018 ARC-CO also triggered in Kiowa County on grain sorghum, soybeans, and oats. Below is the data for ARC-CO for 2018. Remember, the actual revenue must be lower than the guarantee to trigger a payment. The maximum payment rate is 86% of the benchmark revenue.
The final payment rate for 2018 PLC or Price Loss Coverage payments were as follows:
- Wheat - .34
- Barley - .33
- Oats - -0-
- Corn - .09
- Grain Sorghum - .69
- Soybeans - -0-
The 2018 CRP annual rental payments should be in producers accounts by next week, October 23 or earlier. Again, producers with assignments on file will receive a transaction statement with the amount and where the dollars were assigned.