Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary notes
Ladies of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met for their monthly meeting January 12, 2022, at J J’s Restaurant meeting room with Alice Glover chairing the meeting.
Doris Lessenden and Loretta Seibel gave the Secretary’s and Treasurer’s reports, respectively.
Linda Trosper reviewed the profits and expenses of the Fall Bazaar. Even though we didn’t have as many vendors as last year, we realized more income. Most of this was due to very generous donations from individuals and organizations, as well as the drawing. The Auxiliary appreciates that vendors usually give an item for the drawing also. Linda pointed out that the Prince family, Matt, Claire, Colin, and Charlie, stayed after to sweep the floors and move furniture. We were glad that the Prairie Queen 4-H Club served such a good meal.
The group decided to make a “running list” of the items that we have bought through the years so we can keep track of them, such as currently the wonderment of where the cassette recorders and Bibles are. This will help the new Activity Director, Amanda Spalding, also.
We plan at to attend the meet and greet for the two new Physician’s Assistants, Morgan King and Abby Huff, at the Cobblestone Inn.
It was decided to not have membership dues this year.
We will sign Valentine’s cards for the residents at the next meeting, which Diana Flory will bring to give with a Valentine type candy that Cleta Englehardt and Linda Trosper will bring. Each member will bring five envelopes with money in them for residents to choose from a basket when they win a Bingo at the traditional Bingo night if we can have it this year. Otherwise, Amanda Spalding can use the money for their regular games, which the residents really do enjoy.
Men or women are welcome to attend our meetings at 11:00 a.m. on the second Tuesday of the month to help us work on projects for the betterment of the residents’ lives.