Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Notes
Members of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and a meeting at JJ’s Restaurant in the south dining room.
We welcome new members. Our main goal each year is to host the annual Holliday Bazaar the Saturday before Thanksgiving to earn money to fund projects to make life more pleasant around the Extended Care Unit and the hospital.
This spring, we have spent over $600 buying plants and flowers for the patio planters and lovely new outdoor cushions for the metal chairs on the balcony.
The Hospital Auxiliary annually donates money envelopes for residents to draw when they win at playing Bingo, which they do enjoy. In June, Cleta Englehedt, Linda Trosper, and Doris Lessenden helped some residents play Bingo.
For Mother’s Day, the Auxiliary treated the ladies with a fresh carnation and a lovely pastel floral craft designed by Debbie Kliesen.
We always enjoy our traditional root beer floats to celebrate Father’s Day.
The Auxiliary ladies have enjoyed having Interim CEO Jeanette Filpi and Director of Nureses Rachel Bletzacker attending their meetings. These were informative times to learn more about improvements of the whole Weisbrod facility and well as employees, new ventures, and facts.
The next Auxiliary meeting will be July 12. Come visit us.