PROMO 660 x 440 Health - Doctor Medical Symbols - iStock - nevarpp

Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary October meeting notes

© iStock - nevarpp
PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden
Doris Lessenden

The members of the Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met for their October 9, 2018, at J J’s Restaurant for lunch.  Linda Trosper reported that she has already had 17 phone calls requesting space for a Bazaar booth November 17.  She has sent out invitations to possible vendors also.  Nurse-educator Ellen Lane requested a space to tell about strokes.  One lady from the community gave us two exquisitely crocheted afghans for the Auxiliary’s drawing table.  We are accepting items to be in the drawing.  Besides the fee for the tables, the drawing is the only way we can fundraise to pay for our project expenses for Weisbrod.  We do have some tickets for pre-sale for November 17.

Tonya Lane of the Activities Department gave an update on some of the outings and happenings at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit.  She has sent out the invitations to family members for the Annual Pre-Thanksgiving dinner to be held Sunday, November 18, for the residents and their families who will sit together at family group tables.  Community members are invited to bring side dishes or desserts to complement the turkey, dressing, and potatoes meal.  Photographer Braylynn Eder will take family group photos in a fall setting of those wanting photos.  The Auxiliary will pay for the first copy.

In October, the residents have enjoyed the Third Grade Adopted Grandchildren who made door wreaths with them.  They helped make rice crispy treats to hand to children when they come for the Halloween Costume parade.

Director of Nurses, Ellen Lane, gave an interesting talk about how to recognize a stroke as well as she gave each lady an informational card and booklet on strokes.  Some main points of her presentation were: Our hospital is now prepared to give a medication that is needed within a critical number of hours to lessen the harmful effects of a stroke.   She emphasized to call 9-1-1 as soon as it is thought that a person is having a stroke. 

She said it is imperative that the hospital should be called right away so they can locate employee, Meghan Buck, who does the testing such as for an MRI or CAT scan. Also, the hospital may need to call a helicopter.   Time is so very critical!  Nurse Ellen told about the two kinds of strokes, 1. Clot strokes and 2. Bleeds (in the brain).  She also said to look for slurred speech, can’t think of the words to speak, numbness, facial paralysis, weakness of limbs, dizziness, and sudden headaches.  Mrs. Lane emphasized how crucial time is in dealing with a stoke that could have devastating effects on a person’s mobility and life

The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 13, at 11:00 a.m. for lunch and a business meeting at J J’s Restaurant in Eads