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Whether Fired or Inspired, Five Tips to Reinvent Yourself


In an age of much change in the business world, more people are reinventing themselves. That could mean learning new skills to fit a new job, landing in a new industry or starting a new business.

Sometimes the change is forced upon someone (fired); other times they force it upon themselves (inspired). The person might even be comfortable in a job, but a new opportunity or goal motivates them to try something much different – to reinvent.

Nigel Parker, for example, left a long career as a high-level engineer and manager in aerospace and other high-tech industries so he could reinvent himself. He became an inventor and started a company. 

“Change often means reinvention,” says Parker, founder/CEO of RashEndZ Inc., inventor of REZair, “When a seismic shift happens in our lives, like leaving a job, moving, losing someone close to us, we have to choose who we want to become or else feel like we never reached our potential.”

Parker gives five ways to help you reinvent yourself:

  • Put your vision on paper.  Parker says it’s a matter of visualizing and verbalizing what you want. “Imagine what it will be like, outline it, energize yourself with happy details that counter the expected valleys you’ll encounter,” he says. 
  • Find the right people. Networking is vital, Parker says, and easier with the Internet and all forms of social media. “You can connect with people who encourage your change and make it for the better,” he says.
  • Learn all you can. “Some people make the big mistake of thinking they don’t want to learn anymore,” Parker says. “Reinventing is about growing, and in some ways like you never have before.”
  • Organize your tasks. It can get overwhelming, so stay on top of things by prioritizing daily and weekly. “You need to create to-do lists and have great time management geared to the goals in mind all the time,” Parker says.
  • Experiment. “Much of pursuing a dream or new vision is trial-and-error, learning from mistakes,” Parker says. “Your mind has to be free to explore all the possibilities of your new endeavor.”

“Sometimes you can’t wait for your future to find you; you find it,” Parker says. “That’s much of what reinventing is about. It’s a twist in the road on the long journey.”