Why Losing Weight Is Tougher as We Age

Why Losing Weight Is Tougher as We Age

Feature Staff

Getting older is hard. You leave the workforce upon retirement, your kids leave the nest, and your friendships may begin to change. It turns out, you may even find it more challenging to lose weight as you get older. Here are some reasons why losing weight is tougher as we age so that you’re ready for whatever comes your way.

Losing Muscle

Around the age of thirty, you start to lose muscle mass. The reason this matters is because muscle needs fewer calories than fat. So, you’ll need to consume less calories to maintain your weight. If you eat the same number of calories but you have less muscle, you’ll undoubtedly gain weight. One solution is to consider weight loss surgery to even out the amount of fat and muscle you have in your body.

Metabolism Slows

When you lose muscle mass, your metabolism will likely slow down. Metabolism converts calories into energy. If you have more fat than you do muscle, your metabolism will also slow down. There are a few things you can do to increase your metabolism though:

  • Consider weightlifting to build muscle mass so that you don’t lose as much.
  • Follow a regular sleeping routine since any additional stress can cause weight gain.
  • Limit your calorie intake so that there’s an even ratio between fat and muscle.

Lifestyle Changes

Another reason why losing weight is tougher as we age is because of lifestyle changes. Older adults are more likely to develop medical conditions, like arthritis, that it is more challenging to work out. You may become more sedentary after you retire from work, as well. As a result, you may gain more weight as you get older.

Not many people look forward to getting older. Yet, they should because there’s so much to look forward to. You can take on new hobbies and spend more time with pals. Moreover, if you take care of your body, you can stop the stigma of gaining weight as you get older. Just watch what you eat and try to find low-impact exercises that work for you so that you can remain healthy for years to come.