About Town – December 20, 2021
Romans 12: 12 “Be Joyful with Hope”
The Haswell community had their traditional potluck supper and treats last Friday. They didn’t think Santa Claus was coming that night, but I am told that he did come to their little celebration. The photos posted were great. One showed Santa holding a small doll, but it was a nine day old baby. I heard that Santa was a little nervous about given such a responsibility to hold such a tiny baby. But he did it for her sister, Logan, about five years ago. I didn’t even know that Daniel and Tara (Spady) DeForest were going to have a baby. Santa’s heart was especially touched by a small boy who brought a list of requests for his family. I like Haswell’s traditions and photographers.
The Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center’s board has shown free movies for two Saturday afternoons with treats. Terry Riley has been instrumental for many years to bring this entertainment to children. Mr. Riley and his son flew to Florida last weekend, where he has appointments for his health issues. Some friends gathered at the Theatre last Saturday to say goodbye at noon. My mother, Ida, would write, “A tip of the Hat to Terry Riley” for all the joy he has brought to this community with his knowledge and sharing his technology of fine fire work shows, for sharing his equipment and skills to show movies at the Plains Theatre, to serve on the Town of Eads Board, to serve on the fire district board, and to be such a friendly person. Every time I go in and out of automatic doors at Prairie Pines, in my mind I thank Terry Riley and Denise for that night they had a rock and roll dance party to fund buying those convenient doors.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce met Monday to do their part for the annual firefighter’s chili supper, which was held Tuesday evening. It was good to have Jan Richards helping us. We are so glad her health is better so she can be a part of the group again. The chamber had their fourth Christmas drawing Friday.
The Eads senior Christmas dinner was changed to Thursday because of the terrible windstorm. Those who attended enjoyed visiting with friends. Pastor Tom Barton of the Lamar and Kit Carson Lutheran Churches, and Pastor Travis Walker of the United Methodist Church, became acquainted. Mr. Walker was here to discuss details for Dick McDaniel’s funeral. Tom played and sang some carols with the guitar. New officers were elected: President—Sylvia Weeks, Vice President—Loretta Seibel, appointed—Secretary—Liz Hulteen, and appointed Treasurer - Joyce Berry. Diners feasted on ham, potato-cheese casserole, rolls and side dishes and desserts. Gail Voss was given a monetary gift for her service, and they agreed to buy accordion dividers.
A wind and dust storm hit our county Wednesday morning leaving a lot more tumbleweeds piled up in yards and fence lines. Some people will need to repair sidings, roofs, and home damage.
The Weisbrod Hospital Extended Care Unit and Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center were blessed with some new residents last week. Charlie Crow seemed pleased to be at Prairie Pines when I saw him. He was looking forward to that good food, and is eager to drive home daily to feed his cat. Prairie Pines is so beautifully decorated for Christmas, and over at Weisbrod, the doors are decorated to spark up life for those living there. They are glad to have the new activity director, Amanda Spalding of Wiley, who is organizing fun activities.
Many people were saddened last week when they heard of the death of Gloria Peck, who has been battling pancreatic cancer. She set many goals to live longer, like for the marriage of her granddaughter, Leisha Peck, making five or more quilts, attending the Veteran’s Dinner, and family times. We will miss the dear lady who has given so much to numerous communities.
December 27 will be the graveside services for Jimmy Bendorf, with a reception to follow at the senior center in Eads. Jimmy was our esteemed Kiowa County Assessor for many years. According to the Kiowa County Press’ Pages from the Past feature, 25 years ago, Jimmy was named the “Colorado Assessor of the Year” at their winter conference. I always read that page first in the Press.
Since May, I have not solved the mystery of the lovely solar lit angel and sacks of cards that have appeared on my porch. Last Saturday I asked my neighbor around the corner, Raelynn Riley, “Are you the one who left the angel?” She said, “yes,” and I do thank her. She is so good to bring things out to my car that I might like to buy from the Salvation Army store.
Last weekend, the Eads Eagle basketball teams and fans drove back and forth to Lamar to the annual holiday tournaments. We who must stay home do appreciate the businesses who pay to have those games broadcast on the radio for the three days of the tournament. College-age students like to go to those games to visit and see one another. No doubt Brandon Lening was there too since he flew back to Colorado from college in San Antonio, Texas.
We were thrilled to have Barb Seay and Mike Arth make a quick trip to Eads last Saturday to visit us.