About Town – January 6, 2020
The Lord says, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you.” Isaiah 43: 5
Dear readers: Today, at this writing January 4, it is bright and sunny in eastern Colorado. At first, I was rejoicing to be alive in 2020 and living a happy life. Then I remembered that my good Prairie Queen 4-H Club friend, James Jacobs, was being buried in a military (Navy) cemetery this morning in Escondido, California. After I wiped away tears, I thought about the many good memories that we had with this dear veteran. Those good times were mainly in the 1950s and 60’s era of the 4-H club, when we had square dances every fourth Saturday of the month. Most of those dances were at the Haswell Booster Hall, but also at the Towner Hall, Chivington School, Eads American Legion Hall, and Hill Crest School northwest of Arlington. The Prairie Queen 4-H club is still going strong in 2020, now under the leadership of Tim and Gloria Trosper. We members who are living now are thankful that in 1948, Lee and Maxine (Peck) Blooding organized the club. They are living now in an assisted living home in Windsor, where Dora Pearcey also lives. We members are grateful to our county extension agent, Bruce and Letha Whitmore at that time, who taught the members and their families square dancing and folk dancing. Those were such happy years for youth because it was a family affair. Even though I couldn’t dance after age 12, I eventually could change records and so enjoyed those nights. Some of us muse and say aloud, “We wish youth of today could experience the fun we had at those monthly dances.”
Charlie Collins’ funeral was held last Tuesday at the Eads First Christian Church where Pastor Mark Imel conducted the service. Kent Frazee played the organ prelude, and for the young relatives who sang the hymns. It was heart-touching to see his young grandsons help the nephews as pallbearers. Our hearts go out to his dear wife, Leanna, and Will of the home.
Last Friday, there was a really large group of people from Kit Carson, Stratton, Eads, and other towns who went to the Lamar Shore Arts Center to watch and hear a performance by Jared Weeks of Kit Carson, who attends a college of music and performance in Pasadena, California. Jared performed by singing songs that he had written as he played a guitar or the piano. His parents are Monty and Tracey Weeks. His grandparents were there also, D.L. and Judy Weeks, and Kenny and Judy Jacobs.
We had such a nice brunch January 2 at the Eads Senior Center. Gail Voss had decorated the room with light blue table cloths, snow men, and sparkly gold centerpieces on the “let it snow” theme. The senior citizens do thank David and Tami Ellicott for the wonderful cuts of beef that they provided for our December meal. Dave is the son of George and Dorothy Ellicott of Eads. Dave and Tami run the Innovative Foods, Inc. plant and store in Evans, where they sell custom meats, processing and retail.
Penny (Wierich) Smith was at her Eads home for a while. She brought her sister, Alice, up from Las Animas. Penny and John have been driving the big truck for five years, so she has seen this country from coast to coast as they transport goods to big cities.
Paul Stoker’s brothers, Gary of Fort Collins and Kent and Brent of Bennett, have visited in Eads and Haswell several times lately, primarily to visit their parents, Frankie and Rosemary.
One of my former students was telling me that he was getting so “old.” He told me about his pain. My suggestion was to make an appointment with Dr. Dennis Bartha of the Weisbrod Hospital Physical Therapy Department to see if “dry needling” would help him. It is miraculous for me, as well as painless and easy! Maybe that would help some of you, readers.
Young parents who live near some of their relatives are certainly blessed when they need help with the care of their children. An example is Bill and Charlotte Woelk, who have been entertaining their great grandson and daughter some days when their grandmother, Char Korrell, has to be at work, because their mother had a hip replaced. The children liked playing on the new playground equipment in the rail side park. The Town of Eads staff and board made a good investment for our youth. Thank you!
We see so many new faces about town. Some may be visitors, and others may be new residents. There are homes about town that are newly occupied and others that will be put up for sale or rent in the months to come.
For your social life, you may want to go to the movies Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays. The Eads Eagles will be playing basketball in Kit Carson Friday, and then in Stratton Saturday, while the wrestlers will be in Lamar Saturday. January 17, the Eagles will be bussed up to Idalia after the annual Invitational Knowledge Bowl is held at the Eads School. The annual Eads wrestling tournament will be Saturday, January 18.
Be kind to one another and tell one another that you love them.