About Town – June 26, 2023
“Choose a good reputation over great riches held being held in high esteem is better than silver or gold.” Proverbs 22: 1
Plan to be on Maine Street in Eads at 10:00 a.m. July 4 for the children’s 4th of July parade. Each year it has been growing larger and wider. The little ones, and often their parents or a caretakers, join the parade of walkers, strollers, bicycles, and other modes of mobilization. In their excitement, they often cluster and or move so quickly past the onlookers that we just cannot tell who they all are. In the town park by the play equipment there have been games and activity places for different age groups. One can buy food and drink there. The leaders could probably use some volunteer help.
The burial ceremony for Larry Michael at the Haswell Cemetery brought 250 who came the honor this well loved and respected man. He was a businessman for years in Eads. It was so good that there was a microphone for Pastor Mark Imel’s message, Larry’s granddaughter, Cally Rusher, singing of “Amazing Grace.” The Eads community church ladies served a lunch at the at the senior citizen center in Eads. The leaders do appreciate the funds which were donated in Larry’s memory. Larry was the Mayor of Eads for several years, and operated the truck stop with Gail and their children, Brett, Jodi, and Bart. Larry also drove school buses, and had a plumbing business. Gail said that he was really looking forward to putting his 76 pennies in the mission jar at church, and being first in line at the senior dinner after his June 16 birthday.
The senior citizen diners at the June noon meal enjoyed the varieties of food for their taco bar and desserts last week. Our director, Gail Voss, prepared a filling of beef and buffalo, and the chopped vegetables. We really missed our president, Sylvia Weeks, because she had fallen on steps Wednesday night after they returned from Paisley’s ball game at Wiley. Vice President Loretta Seibel chaired the business meeting. Secretary Dana Brown read the minutes and announced that the card games will be July 11 and 25 at 6:00 p.m. because of the holiday. Treasurer Joyce Berry gave a report of our expenditures. Gail told the group some about the many activities and groups who have used the center in the last month besides all the exercise groups that meet in the center.
Tim Hier gave me a list of eight songs that were played at his wife, Lonnie (Yolanda) Hier’s, burial memorial service. “Memories” by Maroon 5, “Just the Way you Are” by Bruno Mars, and “Halleluiah” by Andy Grammer were on his list of eight. His grandson, Tyler, who lives with him, traveled to near Lincoln, Nebraska, for the family gathering. Tim showed me a photo of their monument, which has black dancing shoes by Lonnie’s name.
Reagan Lane, who is the coach for the Eads High School wrestlers, sponsored them at Western State University in Gunnison last week for wrestling camp. Reagan works for Saffer’s Spray Service, and his wife, Shayla, works for the Eads schools. We welcome this young couple to Eads, who live in their new home in Kiowa Estates.
Rush Creek is running, and has been rushing for several days. It is rather awesome the see the photos and the see it in person too! The creek looks like a river that runs near Michael and Julie Zimmerman’s farm.
I went to three evenings of baseball games last week especially to watch the younger players. How nice to see older students having the opportunity to play and compete. Madison McDowell, who will be an Eads senior, volunteers as an umpire. She has played softball for three years with the Lamar Savage team.
A big thank you goes to Keith Barlow and his son, who brought many house goods, fabrics, and furnishings to the senior center for people to just take that Keith and Gloria had bought.
Several Kiowa County 4-H members attended the State 4-H Conference on the Colorado State University campus in Fort Collins.
Sharon Wilson of Wilson Realty Company posted a Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Trey McDowell for purchasing their home. We are glad for this young couple, who were married this month.
A bridal shower was hosted for Molly Stolzenberger and Jonathan Rousler last Saturday in the senior center with extraordinary delicious deserts. It was nice to meet several of Molly’s college friends and Jonathan’s relatives from Limon.
Violet Sneyd, Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community marketer, asked me to report that the Hawaiian Luau has been postponed until later, probably in August. Their plans sound wonderful, so we will keep you posted.
The date for the Eads Maine Street Bash is Saturday, July 29. Many exciting events are being planned for that celebration.
Marsha Mousel and her daughter, Pam Mousel, came to the senior dinner and took meals out the Orville and Rita Mousel. The community church and senior center folk are grateful to them for often bringing paper supplies for us. That reminds me of Marsha’s kind father, Joe Schmitt, who was such a generous man.
Cindy Canfield, a Lamar Community College nursing teacher, has been teaching students as they intern at Weisbrod Hospital to gain their CNA license.