About Town – March 29, 2021
“Do everything in love” I Corinthians 16:14
“Peace be with you,” dear reader. This is Holy Week. Churches celebrated Palm Sunday March 28. This Thursday is Maundy Thursday, and then what we call “Good Friday” will be celebrated at 6:30 pm in the Eads First Christian Church for the community service. The community is invited to the outdoor Sunrise Service near the three white crosses east of the Christian Church parking lot - the grassy lot by the Gooden’s gardens. Even if you can’t hear, just being there. The fellowship of the moment, the scriptures, the memories of the horrible crucifixion, it is worth the time at 7:00 a.m. to watch and listen from your car or outside. Terry Riley and Geleslie King will broadcast the service on FM station 88.6. Later, most churches will have breakfasts and, of course, a worship service.
My, the weekends just get better and better! Last Saturday we made a trip to Haswell to observe the massive amount of people at the community center where there was a wrestling tournament of boys 14 and under that was spearheaded by the Uhland family. Amber’s husband, Tim Gutierrez, greeted people at the door. Tim said that Friday they had 177 boys registered to wrestle from ten schools or wrestling clubs, but more boys walked in Saturday morning. I believe it! There were so many little ones! And, along with them, there were many parents and grandparents too. Robin and I liked shopping at the mini bazaar, where Pamela Lessenden offered her Paparizzi Jewelry, Christina Wolf had an array of fresh baked goods, Andrea Lobmeyer from Tribune, Kansas, sold pretty finger nails sheets, Michelle Nelson sold pretty hand-made purses and other items, and Monica Escalon of Lamar brought Scentsy products. What a fun market! Plus, I saw many of my former student friends who are now fathers or grandfathers shepherding their sons or grandsons - namely Barry Koch, Nick Eder, Karl Eikenberg, Dustin Uhland, Hunter Uhland, and many more!
People are still talking about how wonderful the Kiowa County celebration of agriculture was at the fairgrounds March 20! It was so remarkable to see all those people lined up to get free hamburgers or hot dogs from Russ Watson’s barbeque grill. Oh, and he was at Haswell, too! (Good marketing.) At the Farm Bureau booth, I learned that the trio volunteering there, Sam Nelson, Terri Salisbury, and Laura Negley, have been to the State Capitol to testify against or for issues of importance to our farmers and ranchers more than once. One of best things about last weekend was that my sister, Virgyln, came to visit us while her daughter, Kristi and husband, Phil, were in New Mexico.
Another happening last week was the first home volleyball game when the Kit Carson Wildcats came to town. Both high school and middle school teams were dressed in new purple uniforms and were ready to give the fans exciting close matches. The cheering of the boys and the middle school students was super, and inspired the fans to cheer more!
Finally, the Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center board was able to meet for the first time since October of last year! The good news is that the Plains Theatre in Eads is open to show good new movies. Thanks to all the fine volunteers who help keep the Theatre open.
Thursday at 10:00 a.m. is the monthly senior citizen brunch. We hope if you haven’t attended before that you will come to try us out. It is such a pleasant hour to eat and visit with the people there. Some of the ladies have been spending a lot of hours sorting through things and moving them over to the lovely new center. We are pleased that we can offer our center to rent for the school prom. Parents and students are working together to see that the students get to have a prom, and an after-prom party at another site. Senior citizens are reminded to plan to come to the noon lunch April 21, where you may bring a side dish of food or put a donation of $3 in the canister.
As I waited outside the Salvation Army Store Saturday morning, I talked with young Cheyenne Brown, who is a volunteer there. She said that she carries heavy boxes and bags and moves things for the ladies working inside. What a great way to encourage a good work ethic in a child.
“Fight Club” will hold its first meeting April 13 at JJ’s Restaurant. When I first read that title, I thought, “What? a boxing or wrestling club?” But it is a type of “fellowship and talk-time together for men.” Wow, what a good idea. Many men would probably like this. Just look at the men who like to visit over coffee at the Hometown Gas and Grill in the morning and afternoon. I smiled when I first heard that some wives call it “the knowledge bowl.” My father’s favorite place to visit with the guys was at Leonard Fischer’s gas station on Maine and Highway 287/96. When he came home, our mother would tease him and ask, “Okay, Virgil, what gossip did you hear today?”
This is good. I say, “people need people.” We need to laugh more and share our thought with others.
Shalom, (Peace) my Friends.