About Town – March 6, 2023
“Do not worry…” Philippians 4:6
The Eads Chamber of Commerce made several decisions for the spring months. We plan to offer two $1,000 scholarships to 2023 seniors who are enrolled to attend a vocational college such as Goodland Vo-tech, Wyoming Diesel-Automotive, Trinidad Lineman College, or a vocational type course at a community college with a major in a course such as nursing, childcare, welding, and beautician at colleges such as in Lamar, La Junta, Sterling, Pueblo, and other sites. The applications will be at Eads and Plainview schools, with a deadline of April 4, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. in the superintendents’ offices. The scholarships will be awarded at graduation. If citizens wish to nominate the Eads Citizen of the Year and Volunteer of the Year, please give your nomination the chamber president, Dennis Pearson, or John and Debi Courkamp or mail to Box 185 - Chamber of Commerce - before April 4. Plans are being made with Colorado Parks and Wildlife for the annual Kids’ Fishing Day at Jackson’s Pond May 21 beginning at noon. The Chamber will be making a donation to the Rob Kelley Memorial Fund the promote happenings at the Kiowa County Fair.
The Eads senior brunch was attended by more new people last Thursday who enjoyed delicious baked eggs, biscuits and gravy, fruit dishes and delicious pastries. Since the prices of eggs are rising higher, I noticed that Tim Weeks and Tim Heir brought extra eggs to our director, Gail Voss, and Sylvia Weeks to cook with. Larry Michael drove to Lamar to buy more biscuits like the ones from Crow’s Stop and Shop. Thank you to those generous people, and there are probably more. Areta Laird bought greeting cards for us the sign for Orville Mousel’s 102nd birthday which was March 1. We signed an anniversary card for Orville and Rita also. Remember, he is the Cheyenne Wells Navy man in WWII who went down in a ship in Pearl Harbor. His family thought he had died. After a while, they had a funeral in Cheyenne Wells, and then he surprised his family by coming home one day! God had a plan for that nice man, and we can still enjoy him while he is 102 years old!
The Haswell community senior friends had a lively card party last Sunday evening, and then a meeting Wednesday. People are enjoying the new Karl and Sara Eikenberg station-shop.
Our community extends our sympathy the Loraine (Roger) Saffer, her sisters, and their families, whose father, Laurel Niemann, died last week. Laurel had lived at Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community and Weisbrod for several years. He was a former postmaster in Flagler.
New life was born the three former Eads High School graduates last month. Ashlyn (Miner) and Blaine Winder, both formerly of Eads, now have a son, Easton Blaine, in Gruver, Texas. Savanna (Gyurman) and Brett Vlasin enjoy a baby girl, Brecklynn, their home in Wray.
Many people dined at the Eads school cafeteria to honor educator Sue Fox, who has been battling cancer again. People donated for a meal cooked by the staff. Superintendent Glenn Smith prepared the pulled pork, and the staff supplied salads, baked beans, and an array of desserts. Thank you, Crow’s Stop and Shop and Kiowa Pharmacy for supplying paper goods. Fellow teacher Carole Spady’s gorgeous quilt was won by Charlene Gifford, and Beth Spady’s sports motif wreath was won by Cindy Williams. Dawn James, Sue’s co-Knowledge Bowl sponsor expressed thanks to all the people on behalf of Sue and her sons.
Our community extends our sympathy to Loy Jones and his children following the death of his wife, Betty (Harrison) Jones. We like to have Loy visit in Eads, as he did last week two times from his home in Colorado Springs.
Young Kyton Gooden has won three basketball Elk’s “hoop shoot” competitions, and won third in state competition for 8- the 9-year-olds. Kyton plays the piano and tambourine, and has a fine singing voice. It was a pleasure to hear Kyton sing three songs at Prairie Pines in February when his grandfather, Lane Gooden, had church services there.
There is new hope for the county now since three people applied and were appointed to the fair board. Thank you to Kent Frazee, Trent Rittgers, and Michala McCracken. Some other people may volunteer their help or talents. We really do need them to step forward so it will not be such a heavy load on a few good people. Let’s make happy memories for people, especially the children and youth.
The women of the Eads Methodist Church served a dinner for Rob Kelley’s family and hosted a reception in the Fellowship Hall after Rob’s burial. Our community appreciates Rob’s love of his home town and how he has been even more concerned that traditional events in Eads like the county fair will continue in September. Thank you to all the people who have already made donations that his dreams come true.
The annual Eads Auto store lunch is this Friday at 11:00 a.m., usually inside the store where it is nice to visit with neighbors.
The “Jesus Revolution” movie to show March 17-19 is reported to be really good.
How great that fans could watch the Eads boys and girls basketball regional playoff games on the big screen in the Plains Theatre last week.