About Town – May 2, 2022
“Do to others as you would want them to do to you” Luke 6:31
Eads senior citizens who went to the center last Wednesday for the monthly dinner-meeting filled the round tables decorated in spring colors. Rich Glover, assisted by his wife, Koy, grilled tasty barbecued chicken, rice, and pork, served with traditional Hawaiian macaroni salads and his signature homemade pineapple ice cream. Other diners brought side dishes and desserts to add to the buffet. We were pleased to have new guests, who came and reminded seniors of these dates: Sage lunch - May 4 at noon, brunch - May 5 at 10:00 a.m., and May 18 - monthly lunch and meeting at 12:00 p.m. Dana Brown explained the game nights at 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays. Currently, they mostly play Pitch, but they have other games. Gail Voss added that there are Corn Hole game boards also. Alice Glover read a thank you note from the Ag Fest Committee to the ladies who made cookies for the meal at the fairgrounds. Mr. Bryan Williams, who is running to be the Kiowa County Sheriff, addressed the group on his background, his stand, and plans should he be elected.
The health fair was well attended last Friday and Saturday in the Eads Elementary School. It is always nice to see people who come from Haswell, Kit Carson, Denver, Chivington, Brandon, and other places. We like to look at the classroom and hall displays. Sharon (Crow) Wilson’s fifth grade students each have amazing, and some amusing, tactile posters of the working anatomy of the human body hanging on the hall walls. Dr. Meredith Koch-Cordova had her chiropractor’s table set in the kindergarten room ready to give adjustments. She brought some people relief from pain. When I asked her about her brother, Dr. Drew Koch, she said he had a veterinary practice in North Carolina and flies to Michigan twice or more a month to do surgery on horses up there. He lives near where our Dr. Delma Ramos lives, and works at the University. Also, Dr. Glen Cranford, formerly of Eads, was trained near there to be a medical doctor. He now works at the Lincoln County Hospital in Hugo. A huge thank you goes out to Gloria Gaynor and Shannon Dixon, caregivers at Weisbrod Hospital, who organized this wonderful service for people in this area. There were numerous volunteers, some of whom were hospital caregivers and others who are regular citizens. As usual, Eunice Weber of Kiowa County Ambulance Service and her helpers were there. The new ambulance office is now in the former senior citizens’ building on Maine Street, and her little office on 12th Street was demolished in a day! The Eads Education Association teachers offered free beverages and an array of delicious baked goods and burritos to earn money for the EEA Scholarship.
Reports are that the annual Southeast Colorado Power Association dinner meeting in Springfield was enjoyable. The best news is that three Eads seniors were awarded scholarships - Kyra Sheridan, Rhaelie Rittgers, and Ty Wilson. Congratulations to the students, their parents, and advisor, Mrs. Mary Vasquez.
Remember that May 5 is the Eads Elementary “Hee Haw” concert at 6:30 p.m.
Eads Baccalaureate is at 6:30 p.m. at Praise Community Church, followed by a reception.
May 8 is Mothers Day. Children and adults: do remember to find a way to warm your mother’s heart with a call, card, flowers, or your presence.
Sage Meals (Meals on Wheels) are a real blessing to some of us. There is a wide choice of menus that can be brought to your door Wednesdays and Fridays. Thursday meals can be delivered Friday. A person can order only the days they want eat, or freeze a meal. The program exists by donations. It is kind to give $3. Some days a meal can make two meals for me. Why not call Director Areta Laird at 719-688-9851 or 719-438-2249.
At the prom presentation of the lovely young people, Lauetta (Frazee) Brown introduced me to her grandson, Jakob Buller. He told me more about his new Eads business, Buller Mobile Tire Company. He is a recent high school and Lamar Community College graduate.
Gloria Gaynor, Krystal Eikenberg, Missy Jones and some of their young 4-H Clover Bud children prepared and served a lovely seated dinner before the prom for 64 people. Mostly they were students, but a few other paying guests were seated in another part of the community building. Such a banquet is so nice for families who are concerned about the safety of their precious teens out on those busy highways. Other parents and adults hosted an after-prom party in the high school multiple purpose room.
Paul and Glenda Stoker will have their auction of two households in Haswell June 4. They are not moving.
Baseball and track meets ended last week. Now district and state finals are in progress.
Be prepared for long delays sometimes when the flagger stop vehicles near the highway construction north and south of Eads. Thanks to my neighbors, Curtis Canopin and Kent Frazee, who drove my van home from Lamar. I could drive my van again after nine days staying home. Oh, joy! My repair bill is astronomical, but I am happy!