About Town – May 30, 2022
“I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.” Philippians 4:11
The Philippians verse above is helping me to try to be content staying in my home after my van broke down on Maine Street Friday. However, moments later, the verse that first came to my mind was Romans 8:28, that “all things work together for the good of those who are called according to God’s purpose and who love God.” Marci Miller said, “There is a reason, Doris.” I realized that in about three minutes I would have been in the middle of all that tight and rather frightening road construction on Highway 287, where I was going to Vacation Bible School in Kit Carson at Trinity Lutheran. Woe: it would be the first time since the 1960s that I had ever missed a day of Bible School. Though I was so sad, I was able to call Laura Negley to ask her to take all the bags in my van that I was to take (gifts, thank you notes, and pizzas) up to church. Our theme song was “The Tree of Life,” which we based the Bible stories, songs, snacks, and crafts around. We had a larger group than usual, 65 children and teen and adult helpers, which made for an amazing, happy, learning week. The column writer, Breanna Echols, and her three children attended, and Breanna’s musical talent was such a marvel to us. She played the piano for us and sings wonderfully. I heard her several years ago at the Christmas concert at the Plains Theatre in Eads. This lady is a joy to meet in “real life.” My hope is that soon she and her family can give us a concert in Eads and in Kit Carson.
Graduation day Saturday afternoon was lovely, with warm weather for the graduation of the Eads Eagle senior class: Ross Brown, Will Crow, Duncan Habinick, Levi Johnson, Taite Weeks-Johnson, Cade McDowell, Kylie McKibbon, Rhealie Rittgers, Kyra Sheridan, Donte Sierra, Chase Stolzenberger, and Ty Wilson. The Salutatorian was Ross Brown, and the Valedictorian was Rhealie Rittgers. I understand that these two students were very closely ranked in points. The families of the students celebrated their teen graduates, with some at their homes, some in newly decorated back yards, at the senior center, the Cobblestone Inn, and community building. Best wishes to these precious students.
May 21, in the Lamar Christian Church, Logan Smith of Eads was married to Felicia Nolan in a large beautiful formal wedding. Besides Eads friends, there were many guests from Kansas, Holly, Plainview, and other states. Logan’s uncle, who is a Pastor, made the wedding ceremony so special and meaningful with humor. He is the brother of Glenn Smith who are two very wonderful men!
May 18, I called Glenda and Colby Stoker, who were in Denver at the state track meet, to ask, “are you sitting in sun or in snow?” Reply: “We are sitting in a motel room!” With all that snow, finally, the Colorado state track meet could continue late Saturday afternoon into Sunday. However, in the end, our Eads athletes did well. Freshman Stockton Mitchek placed ninth in the long jump. Senior Kyra Sheridan placed eighth in discus and third in shot put. Senior 3,200 runner Rhealie Rittgers placed tenth by running around the track eight times! Junior Maggie Haase was a star in three events. She was first and Champion in the high jump competition for the second year! Magdalen also placed seventh in triple jump, and seventh in hurdles. She takes after her mother, Destiny (Duff Liebl) Haase, of the 1990s, who was a state track champion for three years. Another Colorado state track photo that I liked was of 2021 State shot put champion, Colby Stoker, with State champion and CSU-Fort Collins track star Daniel Weirich, who is now the coach and an educator in Idalia. Former Eads High School track stars Hadlie Rittgers and Caden Parker, who are now coaches in Sangre de Christo and Cripple Creek, respectively, were also coaching at state. These four Eads High School graduatess have assisted our coaches in the past. We are blessed to have Mrs. Stephanie Bohlander to be our track coach for many years.
A group of Eads Alumni met May 23 to make more arrangements for the All-School Reunion in September during the county fair. One can keep up with the news by referring to the Facebook site by searching Eads Eagle Alumni Reunion. Post cards for RSVPs will be sent to classes from 1960 and down. Please call Dawna (Howard) Weirich at 719-688-8652 or Megan Herran at 720-261-2082 with address changes or questions and your RSVP.
June 4 at 10:00 a.m. there will be a big auction of old cars, antiques, house goods, filling station and repair tools at Haswell Propane on Highway 96. Mark and Michelle Nelson’s 4-H shooting club will sell lunch and beverages.
How exciting that the Eads children will get new play yard equipment this summer. Thanks goes to Superintendent Glenn Smith for working with Stephanie Gonzales, Director of the South East Colorado Enterprise Development organization, for grant money. Cindy McLoud, Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation Director, works closely with Ms. Gonzales.
People are still invited to attend the “Grief Share” sessions led by Dennil Splitter at Praise Community Church Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m.
So thankful for the rain.