About Town – November 16, 2020
“Be Generous and willing to share.” I Timothy 6:18
When thinking of generous people some of the names that came to mind were Lawrence Pyles, former Eads banker, George Crow the former Eads businessman, Bill and Linda Trosper, and of so many others. But my mind has been on Veterans this week. Mr. Pyles deeded the senior citizens center for use to the seniors of the area. I remember that he came to our country house with the sad news that my mother’s brother, Hank Pollreis, had died in World War II in New Guinea. We four children looked out the kitchen door window as my parents received that sad news in April. It was the first time we had seen our mother cry, but we know that her grief for the loss of her brother continued throughout her life. In fact, the day my father died, she quietly said, “My brother died on this same day, November 26.” This week, I have heard grief and tears in the voices of other ladies as they remember their loved ones who have passed away. Some dear ladies decided in October that they wanted to honor 10 men who have survived the Korean War years by quilting them a “Quilt of Valor” that was to be presented at the Veterans Dinner November 11. Those seven women worked diligently to complete quilts. In fact, Gloria Peck of Eads and Bobbi Wroblewski of Lamar, sewed and quilted two quilts. The other ladies who dedicated themselves to the project for these worthy men are Tila Dunn of Two Buttes, Marilyn Hagans of Sugar City, Mary Rhoades of Kit Carson, Michelle Nelson of Haswell, and Carole Spady of Haswell. However, the Veteran’s Dinner was cancelled, but the Quilter Ladies did deliver and presented the quilts to the men Friday and to some Sunday. Thank you, ladies, for your sacrifices of your time and talent. Dear reader, if you are privileged to know these women and the quality of their quilting craft, you would know they are using their God-given gift for a very special tribute to these Veterans. These veterans are Gary Aughenbaugh, Lowell Johnston, Clifford Johnston, L.D. Nelson, Denis Weber, Carrol (Pinky) Williams, Robert Miller, Merle Shalberg, Richard West, and Bob Woods. It takes a lot of money to sew and quilt these Quilts of Valor. If there are some generous hearts out there, you could leave a donation check with any “Stitching Time” group member.
When the Veteran’s Dinner was called off, that meant that the caterer had lots of food on hand - but that was turned into a blessing too. Jennifer Schofield of J J’s Restaurant had Lindsay Baxter put red, white, and blue cloths on the tables and they honored the veterans who came there Wednesday and Thursday with a meal from the two entrée’ choices, Salisbury steak or stuffed pork loin.
When Robin Musgrave and I went to get one of those tasty dinners for my Veteran brother, Dwight, on his birthday, we saw Karl Eikenberg’s beautiful patriotic displays of a USA flag and a tall cross over his home. Another pretty flag in lights is on the side of Keith and Jennifer Crow’s Stop and Shop store. I have seen Keith and Willie Ramos setting up the flag and the big balloon turkey and pumpkin near the store’s doorway. This makes Eads more attractive too others.
When listening to KLMR radio to the agriculture news, I have heard names of many local ranchers who are selling some of their cattle. Since the prairies have been brown all year, being a rancher or a farmer has to be a huge concern. Announcer Ty Harmon schedules many interesting ag experts for his morning listeners.
Eads High School students were all sent home last week and will be in quarantine until November 23. There are so many changes these teenagers and their parents and teachers have to endure because of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
The Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary met last week. Ladies volunteered to prepare and deliver a sack of birthday gifts through March to residents on their birthday. We do miss going up to visit and to play Bingo or Bunko with them. Activity Director Tanya Lane gave us an update on some of the activities and plans for the residents. There will not be a Community Thanksgiving Dinner for Weisbrod residents this year as has been done for years and years. I do encourage people to write to residents or call them. Those dear friends in Weisbrod and Prairie Pines are being well taken care of, but oh, they must be so lonely to see or hear from the “outside” world. And that is US! If you can’t send a note, if you push on the doorbell and a worker will accept and deliver your notes at either facility.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce reminds you that the drawing cans will be in some member businesses next week for the drawing of big bucks November 27. Also, consider decorating your home for the contest for prizes and to help our town look prettier.
If you are interested in watching a one hour class on caring for house plants on the internet you can call the Kiowa County Extension Office or sign up at http://www.tinyurl.com/lachappyhouseplants/ to watch at 6:00 p.m. November 19.
Be grateful and generous … Peace.