About Town – October 19, 2020
“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:7
In regard to Landyn Weeks’ Benefit dinner: Debi Courkamp of NAPA told us that some young boys at the Wiley church, where the Courkamp’s attend, talked to young boys who gave $4,000 to give to the Weeks family for their medical expenses. Two weeks ago, these boys had earned $4,000 and had shaved their hair in support of their classmate, Landyn. What a beautiful story of loyalty. Last week when local citizens went to the Landyn’s support dinner, we were so impressed with the organization and set up in the community building. It was a joy to see Eddie and Natalie (Watts) Lang’s three lovely daughters at the window serving wonderful chili with cornbread, brownies, and a drink. There were many silent cuction tables arranged by so generous people. Many relatives were involved in different ways, manning the bake sale or vendor tables, cooking, serving, clean-up, or sponsoring the auction or the drawing. J.W. and Terri Ellis had a drawing for 25 pounds of beef.
When one sees the pasture burn close to the Love’s store truck plaza and Donnie and Ginger McPherson’s country home, it gives one the chills to think, “Oh, thank the Lord there wasn’t a terrible wind that day like Sunday, October 11.” If that had happened, it is possible north Eads businesses and homes would probably be wiped out. We are most grateful to the men and women of the county who are on the volunteer fire departments who extinguished those flames. It reminds me of the chilling night April 19, 2000, when there was a prairie fire between Ordway and Arlington.
Eads Eagle fans were pleased with the football games October 9. It was a beautiful, warm fall night, with lots of fans who sat in groups social distancing. There was a large group of volunteer EMTs sitting around the ambulance. Last weekend, the Eads Eagles traveled to play the Stratton Eagles. Next week is the homecoming game Friday, October 23. The students aren’t allowed to have a homecoming dance because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but they may have a rally Thursday evening at the football field. The students do enjoy having “Dress Days.”
Areta Blooding Laird and I went to Kit Carson to the monthly VFW meeting. She went to the military part and I went to the Auxiliary, where Betsy Evans is the President and the Secretary-Treasurer, Rayetta Addy, leads us through several projects and traditions to honor the veterans. I saw Commander Rod Houser carrying in a trumpet case and asked him, “does that belong to the Post?” He told me who bought it, but that the nice man and wife said, “don’t say our name in the paper.” They saw the NEED and just bought it. That is a generous gift for those who like to hear the “Taps” played. While in Kit Carson we drove north to get a closer look at the attractive lighted big arch at the new school where they will have an open house October 30.
We express our sympathy to the relatives of Arlan (Chip) Hines, formerly of Kit Carson, whose services were last Saturday. His brother is Corky and Birdie Hines of Canon City.
The Crow-Luther Cultural Events Center Board met in the Plains Theatre last Wednesday. It was nice to hear some of their plans for the Christmas Extravaganza planned for Saturday, December 12. This will be a festival with booths, vendors for many products, movies all day, music, games, and other happy activities. Some leaders were scheduled to meet October 20 near Jan Richard’s Kiowa County Economic Development Foundation office. Remember to start planning if you want to be judged in the home decorating contest. The Future Business Leaders of America chapter students have lots of ideas to make this day special. Their leaders, Mollie Kelley and Rheialie Rittgers, have been explaining their ideas to adult boards and groups in the hope to get more community involvement. People who want to be vendors can call these students or Betsy Barnett.
Trudy Coates, formerly of Wiley, lived in the Weisbrod Nursing home for many years. Her memorial services were held in Lamar and her burial was at the Wiley Cemetery last Saturday. Her husband, Bob, was a frequent visitor and caring member of the Weisbrod Patient-Family Advisory Council.
Curtis Canopin, Certified Massage Therapist, will have more hours in Eads at Demitasse. He has certainly made my health better after having weekly massages in my power chair. One can have a massage in Dr. Sean Oquist’s chiropractic office in Lamar daily.
David Englehardt, local carpenter, is a fantastic remodeler of homes like mine to help me adjust to a new power chair. He and his father, Vinton, have done many jobs for my families and friends through the years. David is quick and efficient.
What a wonderful surprise for Brad and Dreama Buck and for me to have Kristi (Griswould) and her husband, Phil Hirsch, visit us.
George and Dorothy Ellicott have been sharing their gorgeous dahlias and garden produce with others. I read that George began his tenure as our county extension agent 50 years ago. He is a beloved friend of many former 4-H members.
One of my favorite parts of the Kiowa County Press is the “Pages from the Past” feature. Jeanne does a good job of selecting highlights that people like remember or think about.
Thank you, Chris Sorensen and Jeanne Sorensen for your wonderful photos of Kiowa Country that you use for the cover page of the Press. We like them!
Betsy (Legg) Barnett was greeted by many friends on her birthday October 16, but her best gift was a surprise visit from her daughter, Jordyn Buck of Wray.