About Town – October 5, 2020
“Let us not be weary of doing good.” Galatians 6:9
Caring people are finding ways to support and encourage the families related to 11-year-old Landyn Weeks, who is having leukemia treatments at Children’s Hospital in Denver. Landyn had his second treatment last week. His parents, Dea and Samantha, take turns from their jobs to stay with him in Denver. Last weekend, there was a bake sale for their benefit at the roadside park. This week, there will be a chili supper Saturday, October 10. J.W. and Teri Ellis have donation jars around town for 25 pounds of beef from a drawing later. Blessings be with this young family.
Our sincere sympathy is expressed to Don and Jerry McDaniel of Eads, whose daughter and sister died in the Houston area of natural causes. Don says with his age (90’S) and the traffic, it is just too much to travel that great distance to be with his other daughter.
Happy 93rd birthday to Bob Miller. Bob moved back to Eads after living in Arizona for several years. Bob now lives in Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center and will be glad when people can come to visit him or call him. Bob was an Eads businessman, served on the school board, and other civic organizations. He set a good example for their children, Marlin, Marilyn, and Frank, who continue to be vital serving members of our community.
Larry and Carla Gifford of Colorado Springs were here last week to work around their son, Zach’s, home. One of their primary missions was to get the heavy iron gate post from his home that had been at Larry and Carla’s home on Maine Street. It was precious to Carla because her father had proposed to her mother, Irma, under that gate. They are landscaping their new home in the Springs. It was a joy to get to spend time with my former neighbors.
More senior citizens than usual gathered for their first Thursday of the month brunch to enjoy tasty biscuits, gravy, eggs and bacon, coffee cakes and fruits and, of course, lively visiting. The noon monthly dinner will be October 21. Please feel welcome to come to dine with us.
We are more than eager to watch football games this weekend. The junior high game begins at 4:00 p.m., followed by the high school Eagles at 7:00 p.m. playing the town of Kiowa’s football game here in Eads.
Congratulations to Virgil and Janette (Peterson) Kochis of Matheson, whose home farm and ranch was honored at the State Fair for being in existence for over 100 years. What an honor! Janette was a graduate of Eads High School and Colorado State University–Fort Collins, and trained as a dietician and just retired this year from an advisory position with Weisbrod Hospital and other hospitals, where she was a consultant for dietary departments.
Oscar and Brandi Ridgeway, formerly of Eads, have continued to travel much of the United States to take their son, Wyatt, to compete in archery contests. He has been ranked with the top young people in the nation in these contests.
Some Eads elementary girls formed a volleyball group to play outdoor volleyball in the heat last weekend. They were fourth out of nine teams. When I stopped to visit some high school students at noon in the HomeTown Grill, one girl told me with a big smile, “we may play outdoor volleyball this weekend if we find enough players.” What fun!
I heard reports and saw some great night photos of the demolition derby last weekend. People say it was a lot of fun to watch, and that Russ Watson’s Smokin Bar-B-Que was also a smashing success with the spectators.
Last Wednesday was a happy day in Mrs. Charlene Gifford’s third grade class at Eads Elementary School. Some Lamar Lions Club members visited them to give the youngsters a nice new big dictionary. This is one of their annual mission projects.
Steve Glode of Eads had a happy vacation time in Vermont in late summer. He went there to see his sisters and some family members that he had not seen for 35 years. Steve is quite a fisherman because I often see his photos of big fish caught in nearby lakes and ponds. Steve is married to Dang, who is from Thailand. She is the excellent cook who prepares Thai foods that people around here enjoy ordering.
The late Red and Glaida Craven, formerly of Kit Carson, would be proud of their grandson, Tel Linke of Granby, who is an outstanding cowboy on the Sterling College Rodeo Team. Tel even has red hair like his grandfather. Tel is the son of Gay Everist Linke, a Kit Carson graduate.
Since I ran over my van seatbelt receiver and broke it, I couldn’t drive to Kit Carson to church last Sunday. So, I rolled to the United Methodist Church to Sunday school and church. This was a pleasant experience. If readers don’t have a home church family, I recommend this Eads church.
Barbara Seay flew with her son, Mike Arth, to Wisconsin last week for more treatments for Mike at the Mayo Clinic. Last weekend they flew from Denver to Baltimore for her son, Matthew’s, wedding.
Remember to buy a dish or cone of ice cream from the Maine Scoop. It only costs a dollar or two.
Peace be with you in the coming week.