About Town – September 12, 2022
Luke 10: 27 “Love your neighbor as yourself”
What memorable county fair days we experienced last week under Mary Marble’s theme, “Blue Ribbon Time.” The week began with very warm sunny weather and ended with a chilly, drizzly Saturday. As I watched the dancing children and activities on Maine Street Saturday night, I pretended that I was watching an Eads Eagle football game years ago in a snow shower – freezing, but smiling all the while.
This 105th alumni reunion was memorable to me, just to see so many of my former student-friends whom I have loved, liked, and admired in school, and now in their careers and family lives.
Fair week began a week ago September 4 with what we called for many years the county rodeo. There were lots of vehicles around the fair grounds that day. The 4-H and Future Farmers of America families brought their animals Wednesday morning to the big pavilion, which has been such a fine improvement to the fairgrounds, thanks to the fair board members of that era of time. County Extension Agent Tearle Lessenden has been driving to and from the State Fair in Pueblo several times and bringing the outstanding projects back Tuesday for display in Eads. Tearle and Krystal Eikenberg, his administrative assistant, have been working tirelessly on data, typing, and setting up displays, as well as answering tons of questions. Thank you for your good work!
Wednesday evening, when we came out of the exhibit building, there was a brilliant hot pink and purple sunset in the west and, about two-thirds up in the eastern sky, there was a full translucent-looking moon.
At the Chamber of Commerce meeting Wednesday, we heard that Kelly Lujan had sent a generous donation to help fund the two-day chuck wagon breakfasts during the fair. They had always meant so much to the Lujan family of five boys while growing up in Eads in the 1960s and 70s. Kelly was looking forward to helping serve the breakfasts, but his mother, Rose, was not well in Albuquerque, New Mexico, so he stayed to care for her. His brother, Carl (Debbie) Lujan, was serving at the breakfast Friday. Carl caused a lot of interest and excitement with the unusual and very comfortable chair he brought for display. Carl has made over a 100 of these chairs out of layers and layers of ply wood that he cuts to shape and then glues them. He has this chair design patented. Many people tried it out for sitting and rocking. Someone said, “well, if it holds Tim Weeks, it sure is alright!”
The Chamber of Commerce wants to thank Colorado Mills of Lamar, which again this year gave us a very generous supply of cooking oil. Thanks, also, to Brandon and Angela Hoffman, the Treasurer and Chairman of the chuck wagon breakfasts. The Chamber is very grateful to the volunteers who came to help serve. Chamber members always wonder who will come to help, so, thank, you!
There was a large crowd of people who attended the judging of animals Wednesday and Thursday, and then Friday morning the livestock sale was tremendous. Tearle and Krystal will have reports on that later. The weather for the Thursday and Friday rodeo and events was lovely and warm. People appreciated that for the beef barbeque Friday, and then Saturday the mist lifted for the pork barbeque. However, that Saturday Parade was cold! Yet there were many people parked and sitting along the parade route. It was nice to see several politicians who are running for office. It is so nice these days that the county sets up a large colorful tent for people to sit under to eat and visit. Chuck and Dawn Bellview and Krista, and young adult granddaughters of Phil and Madonna Pollreis, brought them down from Lakewood to the fair. It was the girls’ first experience for an outdoor breakfast, barbeque, and rodeo. Friends here in Eads were so happy to see Phil and Madonna since the moved to the city a year ago.
The fair and Alumni Reunion brought more people to town for the weekend. It was such a pleasure to greet the six Shotton families, and three of the Durrett sisters, and so many former students who came from far away states. It was special to get photos taken with two of my “star” science fair project students, Gary Shotton and Ted Abrams. I think there were six or more Brown families, formerly of Chivington, that I saw. Alumni leaders Dawna Howard Weirich, Lori Weirich Elder, and Megan Herran tried to get a tally of alumni during the breakfasts and at other times during the weekend. We do thank these ladies and the committee who worked on the organization of this special weekend. Dawna reported that they had earned several thousand dollars on the silent auction to grow the scholarship fund. It was such a blessing to have the senior center space for people to just sit and visit. Thank you to “Citizen of the Year” Gail Voss for all her work to have the center ready. Congratulations to Matt and Claire Prince, “Volunteers of the Year!” These three were parade marshals who rode in Cardon and Joyce Berry’s classic cars.