About Town – September 26, 2022
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:13
There was a big turnout of Haswell senior citizens, who met last Wednesday evening plus, six guests from other towns for the monthly pot luck supper. Often, they enjoy playing cards or just visiting. A wonderful service that Director Wanda Lessenden has arranged is for a licensed beautician to come once a month to do haircuts and perms at mid-day. What a blessing that is for folk who live so far away from other towns.
The Eads senior citizens met at noon last Wednesday with several more folk coming than usual. We were missing our President, Sylvia Weeks, and Vice President, Loretta Seibel, so we were glad when Secretary Dana Brown raced in from work at the Post Office to help chair the meeting. Director Gail Voss and Treasurer, Joyce Berry, were extra busy caring for serving the Mexican meal. Gail announced that the window coverings had arrived, and we are on David Englehardt’s list to install them. We were pleased to have guests Dreama Buck and Rachel Bletzacker from Weisbod Hospital and Extended Care Unit as guests. Rachel told us about some improvements and changes at the facility that they are hopeful will be of benefit to all. She especially warned us about answering phone calls about insurances and Medicare to be aware that some of these may be scam calls.
Quilter Mary Rhoades presented gorgeous Quilts of Valor that she had quilted at the Kit Carson VFW meeting to Ron White and Rod Houser of Kit Carson recently. Mary, of Kit Carson, is a member of the Haswell Prairie Quilters group. Family members and friends attended this impressive ceremony at the meeting of the Post and the VFW Auxiliary.
It is so good to see the progress by the construction workers of the new housing developments in Eads. Some of the new homes are just west of the historic Jackson barn west of Prairie Pines Assisted Living Center, and others are north of the Eads Clinic. Cindy McCloud told me that most any family can apply to live there because it is based on yearly income which is up to about $60,000 - I think. I don’t want to call her because she is helping her son and family move into a home in Eads today!
It is interesting to see the exhibitor list and premiums from the county fair in both newspapers. It reminds us that these exhibitors made the fair so much better and more enjoyable; plus all the diligent work of Tearle Lessenden and Krystal Eikenbrg of the CSU Extension office and the many volunteers who work together to make the fair so wonderful. Thank you for a community that works together.
Jaton King Wallace arranged such a nice birthday party at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit for Mike Goreman. His sister, Theresa Weber, had requested angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream, which he and his guests enjoyed. People have missed seeing Mike out in his power chair, trimming bushes and weeds around town this summer.
Eads homecoming week is October 3-7. All adults and children are encouraged to wear purple Friday. Families and fans may attend the rally Thursday evening. Tentatively plan to attend at the football field. The four games of volleyball and football will be Friday with the crowning of the king and queen at halftime of the football game.
Family and friends of Dianne O’Brian of Eads celebrated her 80th birthday with her Saturday at the Cobblestone Inn in Eads. The O’Brian’s have lived in many states and towns in their ministry and his radio career. Dianne was a registered nurse during her career. They had moved many times and chose to retire in Eads. So, this week, they wanted their five children to meet the friends they have come to like and love in Eads. All five of their children came from across the nation, and two from Canada - Vancouver and Toronto. They decorated the conference room in lavender and pink colors, balloons, lots of photos and, of course, cake and beverages. As guests registered and wrote their name and a note in a book, a daughter took photos which of each guest, which will be placed in the memory book.
The Eads senior citizen brunch will be Thursday, October 5 at 10:00 a.m. People are invited to the Wednesday noon meal October 19 in the center. Senior citizens are welcome to come at any time. The custom is to bring a potluck dish or put $3 or more in the donation box.
Bernice Criswell Carlock of Swink, who was in the Eads High School class of 1947, had called me several times this year in anticipation of the all-school reunion. Unfortunately, she was unable to come because she fell and broke her wrist. At her age, I was concerned where she could go to see the most people because this was the first time with this type of format. However, from what I observed and heard, there were some great times of visiting in the senior center.
The Eads Chamber of Commerce will meet next week, October 5, at JJ’s Restaurant at noon.
Remember: There is always HOPE.