About Town
“He paid the price for your eternal life. “…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NJV
This quote was on a card with a gold cross pen that my sister, Virgyln, brought to me from her Wisconsin shopping trips. She drove the ten hours back to Kansas after spending several months going to the basketball games and other activities of her twin grandsons, David and Joseph, who are seniors now. She was blessed one February weekend when her twin granddaughters, Ida and Ella, drove from their college in Minnesota to visit their brothers and sister, Emma, and parents, Phil and Kristi, who had come for Parent’s Night and a concert.
One of the most important meetings held in Eads last week was a brain storming–fact finding meeting to discuss and begin to prioritize possible improvements for the existing grandstands, display rooms, promotion ideas, and plans for the lakes and other exciting possibilities for the future of Kiowa County. The next meeting will be Monday, April 9, in the Commissioners’ board room at the Kiowa County Courthouse.
Christina Alba, PhD, botanist from Denver’s Botanical Gardens, gave a free presentation at the Plains Theatre Tuesday afternoon. She showed many photos on the big screen of plants, weeds, and pretty prairie flowers that she and a co-worker scientist collected on Cardon and Joyce Berry’s pasture northwest of town, and on Dr. Cathryn Anderson’s land near Arlington. Ms Alba has such an interesting career of collecting plants, photographing them, pressing and identifying them to place in displays and air tight files. Mr. Marvin Watson,of the Kiowa County conservation office also showed exciting photos of a test plot of land near their office where they have planted prairie flowers and grasses.
Franci (Stavely) Cain is seen often seen around Haswell because she comes to visit her mother, Elda, in the Rocky Ford nursing home and her father, John, in the Bent County nursing home. John has had a bad fall lately, so he is not doing as well.
The county Good Friday service conducted by the Ministerial Fellowship was hosted in the Baptist Church this year. Pianist Annetta Maxcy played for the hymns interspersed between scripture readings by Pastors Ernie Lambright, Russell Parker, Mark Imel, and Lane Gooden. Mary Eikner and Sylvia Weeks sang a special song from the United Methodist Church. Some parishners went to UM church in Cheyenne Wells to enjoy a Jewish Seder meal with Pastor Spencer Black’s group on Maundy Thursday.
What a sight to see the children scurrying around in different sections of the courthouse lawn Saturday afternoon. Riki Cordova and helpers did a fantastic job of hiding and the arranging Easter egg hunt. The youngsters and their parents or caretakers appeared to have had a really good time. Some little ones had their photos with the giant white bunny who I think may be one of our aspiring future policemen.
Jerry and Pam Weirich were instrumental in arranging and having the three white tall Crosses erected several years ago just east of the First Christian Church. These crosses have been the subject of many photos and much admiration for their beauty in sunrises and sunset photos. They were the setting of the Sunrise Service Resurrection Sunday where speakers and singers stood on the bed of a white trailer for the service and then went to enjoy breakfast cooked by the men.
Jeannie Strong was pleased to see so many family and friends come to her pre-birthday party Friday afternoon. Lakota Robertson in the dietary department made Jeannie’s favorite cake, carrot cake. It was especially delicious with thick cream cheese frosting. Teri Simmons-Castle had made her an exquisitely pretty “Happy Birthday” banner.
We were glad to buy tasty baked goods at the sale for Prairie Pines for some new table clothes. There is another bake sale next Friday south of the HealthMart by the 4-H members.
Lane and Debbie Gooden’s home was a busier place for ten days while they cared for their five grandchildren. Their parents, Jason and Tiffanie Muth, of Cheyenne Wells led a tour group to Austria and Germany during spring break.
The Eads track team has been to two track meets lately that have run into the late evening hours. High school and middle school boys and girls are doing well.
Four local Eads Middle School wrestlers competed in the state tournament last weekend. The young men were Chase Stolzenberger, Dante Sierra, Ty Michael, and Tate Johnson. Their coaches were Bart Michael and Blaine Winder. There was also a sub-elementary tournament in which Stockton Mitchek and Spencer Uhland of Eads competed in at the National Western Stock Show Pavilion.
Liz Hulteen’s Hebrew classes are so enjoyable where we are learning more Hebrew words and about customs and traditions that she learned while living in Israel for over seven years. What we really like is the wonderful foods that Liz cooks and brings for us to eat. Debbie Gooden has also baked some foods from the recipes Liz has given to us.
The first blooming apricot trees I saw were in Casey Sheridan’s yard. Lou Turner’s pink cherry bushes are in full bloom across from the Hospital. Jennifer Crow’s yellow daffodils are so pretty nodding in the breeze as well as, and Cheryl Rehm’s yard is lovely from the bulbs her mother, Arlene, planted many years ago.
He (Jesus) is Risen!