About Town
“The Lord is my light and my salvation….The Lord is the strength of my life.” Psalm 27:1
Even more people came to the meeting with the Commissioners last Monday evening to discuss ideas and visions for the future in Kiowa County mostly in regard to the use of the Fair Grounds and the lakes. Commissioners Administrative Assistant, Tina Adamson, supplied printed of ideas people had shared at the first meeting. Then people gave their top five “favorites” of each column that ended in a “priority” list of what projects to tackle with estimates of the financial costs, personnel, and time to implement the plan. It was so gratifying to see people interact, and in some cases, get acquainted. The next meeting will be April 23 at 6:30 p.m. The Commissioners stated that more people are welcome to come and share ideas and to join committees to accomplish some of these “dreams” to become reality. We can expect some positive improvements and changes in the future.
When I turned on Maine Street one morning last week, there were National Sand Creek Park rangers, Native Americans, and local dignitaries standing in the middle of Maine Street looking at the future Park Service building. It was such a surprise to see so many people in the street. A story will follow.
I went to the Weisbrod hospital facility three times Tuesday, first to facilitate my weekly Bible Study, in the afternoon to Bill Johannson’s birthday party, and in the evening to play Bunco as an Auxiliary member with the residents. Weisbrod is a nice place to be. A fine example I heard is a heartwarming story about a number of Weisbrod employees who recently had compassion and mercy on a New York truck driver. He was in great pain and came to the hospital ER because of chest pains. While he was in the hospital, the trucking company fired him. When he was well enough to travel, Pastor Lane Gooden took him to Lamar for his paycheck that had been sent to WalMart. All this time Jose Hernandez was taking care of his beloved six-month-old pup, Larry. There was no one in his life that he could call to tell about his problem situation. The Snover brothers, Brody and Avery and Damian Hernandez took his belongings out of the parked truck and even boxed it all up for mailing. Nurses Nikki Lenox and Alyssa Eder took care of this nice man in a desperate situation. In the next days, Brandy Turcotte, Social Services department, set about finding ways to help this man who suddenly had no transportation or funds to get back to Rochester, New York. Dennis Pearson offered financial help and Teri Castle-Simmons brought a big suitcase from the Salvation Army. Tim Winder and other employees pooled some money for the man as he needed food and a hotel room back to New York. Dally Sagner, who is the receptionist said she and Moe would take his pup to their home for their little daughter, Saige. It is a wonderful example of how people in our town work together to help others. It reminds me of the “Good Samaritan” account in the Bible.
Last week while I was watching the “throwers”, Brad Musgrave, Miriah Smith, Emily Guyrman, and Colby Stoker at track practice, I noticed that a large group of cars were parking at the Praise Community Church for Bible Study.
People are so happy to have their Health Fair Test results already last week. Valorie Briggs, who is often at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit with her mother, Emma, said that lab employees Gloria Trosper and Krissy Ray there late at night producing the results of those tests. When I complimented Gloria Thursday, she said, “Oh it was nothing, I was called in at 3:00 a.m. and when I was through, it was time to go work at the Health Fair Saturday. Now that is a dedicated woman!
Another benefit of attending the Southeast Colorado Power Association’s annual dinner-meeting was the gift of two ceramic knives and peeler. I thought I would give them away, but they are so sharp that I am having second thoughts. Thank you, SCEPA.
Betty Crow drove all the way from her winter home in Yuma, Arizona, and immediately started going to coffee hours and meetings. It is good to have her back
Every once in a while, we hear of a skunk around town. Last week there was one on east 13th Street. The residents were relieved when one of our tall policemen “took care of it.”
The movie, “Paul, An Apostle of Christ” will be showing this week, Friday through Sunday. Sunday at 6:00 p.m., the local United Methodist Church will sponsor the cost so that people can go “free” to see the movie. This is a good opportunity.
Wednesday of this week is the noon Senior Citizen’s dinner (lunch) in Eads, and the Haswell seniors will have their meal and meeting at 5:30 p.m. in the evening. Seniors over 55 are so welcome to bring a side dish or dessert to the fellowship and meeting.
It seems that so many of the baseball games and track meets have had to be cancelled or postponed this spring because of cold, wet, or windy weather. In the past years, I have enjoyed sitting in my van to watch the baseball games, but I have yet been able to see a game of our Eagle team.
Last Thursday, some of the Eads Juniors and parents started decorating for the Prom, which will be Saturday, April 21. The public can come to view the “grand march” presentation of the teens in their prom attire. It is always a delightful time to see how handsome and beautiful our young people are in the party clothes. They are looking forward to the “After Prom Party” too.
The LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) rally had to be called off last weekend because of pending weather problems. It is being rescheduled for Saturday, April 28, at 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church.
We only have two lessons left of our Hebrew lessons left before our teacher, Alizabeth (Liz) Hulteen goes back to Missouri. Barb Diel brought two gifts from Israel that their son, Stan Diel, brought from Jerusalem when he was a sailor the Middle East. The students are learning more about culture, travel, and the meaning of Jewish customs and traditions that is making their lives more meaningful when studying the Bible and listening to the news.