PROMO 660 x 440 People - Doris Lessenden

About Town – August 26, 2024

Doris Lessenden

“The tongue has the power of life and death.” Proverbs 18:21

Last week, most all of Marlynn E. Eikenberg’s family met one evening at the Haswell Community Center (formerly Haswell School) with the Haswell Town Council members, who were there to present a wonderful purple leisure chair, which will be placed there in Marlynn’s memory. The black and gold inscribed plaque attached is in memory of Marlynn, who was a town council member for many years.

Mary Kay ladies from across the country converged in Dallas, Texas, this month for their annual convention. Three ladies who are avid distributors of this famed cosmetic line are Sara Crawford, Tracey Weeks, and Dara Randel, all of Kit Carson, who flew to Texas for this gala affair.

Each Thursday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. the staff of Prairie Pines Assisted Living Community hosts a coffee hour for friends to come and visit around the large tables in the dining room. It is a delightful time for the residents who want to come to visit with townspeople. This is a heartwarming time for the residents.

Every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. is the coffee hour at Weisbrod. When my parents lived there, we could always look forward to seeing regular visitors. However, after the Covid years hit us, we haven’t regained the habit of some relatives and friends coming to visit for an hour to talk over the contents of our two local newspapers.

The Eads senior citizen dinner at the center was packed with residents and visitors last Wednesday, where we enjoyed a baked potato bar with a variety of toppings to accent the potatoes. There were many salads, cobblers, cookies, pies, and other delectable homemade foods. We decided to offer bingo games on the first Monday of the month in the evening. Sara Seibel Ferris has all the supplies, and will do the organization of the games. The leaders have checked about any possible rules.

Gail Voss will have barbeque meals from the Kiowa County Fair brought to the Eads Senior Citizen Center for people who would rather eat in town than out at the fairgrounds. It would be helpful if you could tell Gail if you plan to come to these meals so she knows about how much food to ask for from the county employees. It is beef Friday and pork Saturday after the parade at 10:00 a.m. on Maine Street, September 9-10.

The Haswell Senior Citizens who meet on the third Wednesday evening for potluck enjoyed a delicious meal and visiting. 

Justin and Kaylee Lenox spent the weekend at the Ark Valley Fair in Rocky Ford where Justin was the promotor of the demolition derby. His parents, wife, and sister, Brooklyn, helped them with car inspections, taking fees, and little Ryker and Harper. Ryker was excited to win first place in the tiny tots version of the derby, with balloons attached to the front and back of his little motorized car.

Last weekend, a nice man from Cheyenne Wells came to bring goods to one of our residents, Betty. He was a retired veteran, VFW Commander in Cheyenne Wells, and brought his wonderful King Charles Spaniel, which we all admired and wanted to touch.

This is the time of the year when many of our college-age students are going off to college. Some are wisely going to community colleges or universities. Others are attending vocational-technical colleges, particularly in Kansas or Wyoming. One of our young nurse aides is flying to Boson!

Steven Bates has graduated from an online high school and has begun to take some college classes online. He is 17 and has a job in town in a hospitality career.

The first home volleyball game was with the Springfield Longhorns last Friday. At home game fans can buy a family season ticket for $200, or a senior citizen pass for those age 65+ for $65 or a season pass for $75. It saves so much time at the gate or door if you are so eager to get in to watch the games. One can purchase a pass at the home volleyball games, or during school hours from LaDawne Britten.

One evening last week, Andrea Morgan was here to visit her mother, Terry Voss. She brought her little toddler, Elaina, who is learning to speak and wave greetings. They were going to pick up her son, Milo, who is in the fourth grade, in Eads. Milo is playing league touch football and league tackle football. These teams are coached by Chad Rouse and Kyle Barnett.

Last week, history began with a new co-op softball league. The Outfield Angels organized a softball team of Eads, McClave, and Wiley girls who played last Friday. The young ladies from Eads are Anna Woolert, Bailey Sierra, Lexi Shotton, Kara Wilson, Savannah Brown, Kennedy Gyurman, Lilly Hollis, Aspen Nelson, Lacie Kraft, Giana Gibbs, and Jordyn Turcotte. Kaylee Wilson, an Eads educator, is an assistant coach of the Angels.

August 31 is the annual Kit Carson Day barbeque and parade. Trinity Lutheran Church will have a bake sale. Other booth sales and games are offered. Chuck Bowen and Mike Bowen will present their book on Sand Creek at 2:15 p.m. in the community building.

Enjoy a fair or local school game.