About Town – March 24, 2025
“There is always hope.”
Many happy memories were made at the Colorado State Girls Basketball Tournament last week. Beginning Wednesday afternoon, there was a school-community pep rally in the gymnasium. Students in the primary grades were the cheer leaders by chanting cheers and giving the individual team members gifts or posters. We were so pleased to see how many of our male students traveled to Greeley at their own expense to cheer for our outstanding girls team, who won the third place trophy. When Darci Weeks-Johnson showed me a video of her daughter, Tailee Weeks-Johnson, shooting the winning basket as the crowed was cheering 4-3-2-1, I just burst into tears to see the joy of the students and crowd. This is a team of young players, so I predict they have a promising future. We can also look forward to some members of the the undefeated junior high team - or four years! Later, after I was more composed, Darci showed me a video of radio-TV announcer Cory Allen Forgue interviewing Eads teammates Tailee and Alessandra Paez just after the game. We were so impressed with how mature and well-spoken the young ladies were after such an exciting and exhausting game!
After the games, I studied the 2024 yearbook to look for potential cheerleaders for next year. I notice that we have many more male students, which could be fine. Some people still remember Kelly Lujan, now of Albuquerque, New Mexico, as a memorable cheerleader for the Eads Eagles.
March 6-9, I was in a frequent prayerful state for my several families of relatives who were traveling to Kearney, Nebraska, to participate in the activities for the wedding of Marisa Dixon and Dr. Grady Brunk. Marisa works for the University of Nebraska Athletic Department and Grady is a Chiropractor.
Wild windstorms and many vehicle wrecks and pile ups were caused on the Plains for days. We need moisture.
Congratulations to Ruth Fees at Plainview School here in Kiowa County who is completing her 51st year as an educator. Last week, she was recognized and honored at the Colorado State Knowledge Bowl for sponsoring Knowledge Bowl teams at Plainview for 50 years. According to Dawn James, an Eads educator and State Knowledge Bowl Committee member, she was also honored with the gifts of a quilt created by Carole Spady of the Haswell quilters club. I would like to say for the people “Thank you, Miss Fees, also for being such a wonderful teacher-friend-counselor to her students.” Currently, she has been taking numerous photos of events and of experiences at Plainview. Many of these photos have appeared in the Kiowa County Press in a collage format. It is enjoyable to recognize youth and adults you may know.
Trista Tuttle has such a lovely display in her Maine Street shop. The round purple table and aqua chair attracted me to look at the three pots of blooming plants and pretty items one can buy inside.
It is gratifying to see so many people who come to Weisbrod Health in Eads, and we who observe do not recognize most of them. When one observes where they go, they soon learn they are checking in to go to the physical therapy department or lab. We have been blessed to have two young men who come from Denver to serve us for many years. They are Dr. Dennis Bartha and Joe Zinger. Dennis is qualified to administer dry needling. Many of my lady friends do not like it, but I do because it relieves so much pain in my muscles. I tell my friends that their fear is “mental” because the little needle prick only lasts only a moment. Last week the Weisbrod leaders hired a new therapist, Paige Johnson from Kit Cason, who studied back East. I have known her since she was a little tot in Vacation Bible School. She will be a good addition to the team, who have three rooms in the north wing of Weisbrod. However, in the new clinic, we anticipate more space for machines and a gym.
We enjoyed visiting with Sheriff Williams at the senior coffee hour Monday afternoon. He gave us some insights on driving in these terrible dust storms we have endured lately.
At the senior citizens lunch Wednesday, we welcomed Mr. and Mrs. McGill, new Eads residents. James is the lead Park Ranger at the Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site. His wife is Eileen DeVeber McGill, who is a Registered Nurse employed at the clinic. They are from Independence, Missouri, which was the hometown of Harry Truman, former United States President. Those seniors who braved the cold winds to go to center for the March lunch really enjoyed the tasty corned beef, cabbage, potatoes, and carrot main dish with gravy that Gail Voss had worked many hours cooking, plus making cream pies and cherry cheesecake for us. Circle April 3 to come to enjoy brunch with us to the center. Many dates are already reserved by people who are renting our fine center for parties and meetings.
The talent show will be March 29 at 6:30 p.m. Call Claire Prince at 893-312-2364 to be on the program to perform in the show. This is the time to share your talent.
Pray for rain.