About Town – March 3, 2025
“Do not fear for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 (NIV)
The thought for this day in regard to this scripture above is: “With God’s help. I can face life’s challenges with unwavering faith.”
Those two sentences could be so meaningful to the hearts of many families in our community in southeast Colorado today and in days to come since the separate deaths of a mother of three children, Shea Cordova, and a well-liked middle-aged man, Geleslie King. As I typed this news Wednesday morning, I wipe tears often for my two students and their grieving families and friends. We are sorrowful around here this morning at Weisbrod as we remember Shea and her son, Brenden, who is also an employee of Weisbrod Health. Then we speak of her lively middle school boy, Justin, and her beautiful third-grade daughter, Jesselyn, with her long black curly hair and striking blue eyes, and then we pray or wonder what we can do to support them. We know that they are a part of a loving church family and friends who love them, and that is good.
Last week, we had more days of snow and cooler temperatures than usual. So, we are appreciative of some warmer days this week.
Two more things that happened to us last week that made the Valentine festivities more special. There was a large stack of beautifully decorated Valentine cards on the gift table last week at Weisbrod Health that were not handed out, so I mentioned them to Marla Darnell and Jaton Wallace, who gave us a choice. Of course I chose a large photo of gorgeous iris blossoms. To me, an iris is a religious symbol of the petals standing up—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; and the petals bending down - Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then three small petals inside representing the Father God and Holy Spirit and the three small inner petals, God, Son (Jesus), and Holy Spirit (the third person in the God head). The residents were delighted, but there was no name on the lovely hand-crafted card. I recognized the cutout of a firefly frequently used by this dear lady, mother of three grown children. Since she grew up in a missionary’s home in South America, I have noticed that she reaches out to others in such kind ways. This is a sample of her generosity of photographing her garden flowers or animals and crafting her cards. Oh, have you ever eaten some of her good desserts or foods? What a yummy blessing she prepares!
Another lovely happening for us was when a pretty blonde lady came into the dining room looking rather lost, so I asked her if she was looking for someone. She was holding a large bouquet of burgundy red opened roses in a lovely tall vase. Then I recognized Trista Tuttle. She had a special event to sell roses and gifts of Valentine Day. This arrangement was all that remained, so she gifted it to us at Weisbrod. We enjoyed it for a week. Thank you, Chad and Trista. I asked her if she opened a shop in their new building. She said, “no.” She is using her building, the “old senior citizen building,” for events each month, like the painting class for a “mother and child.” In March it will be for making a “wooden quilt.” She showed me a photo on her phone. It looks like fun to me. She has engaging ideas for creative ventures for people who sign up for a place in the class or an event.
Faith Johnson, a recent graduate of Kit Carson, who studied cosmetology in the college at Goodland, Kansas, has a beauty shop called the “Parlor,” which is in the building adjoining the Post Office on Main Street in Kit Carson. Her phone number is 719-751-3202. Why not give her a call for a hairdo or hair cut?
In Colorado, we are now in the time of playoffs. It may be a good idea to watch for posters, news releases, or call your local schools for the time and place of your favored school.
March 5 begins the Lent season, a time of eight weeks when some churches have special services, some people fast - meaning they give up certain things, mostly foods - leading up to Easter Sunday on April 20.
Remember, you are invited next week to attend the 10:00 a.m. brunch at the Eads Senior Citizen Center March 6. Their March lunch will be March 19 when Gail Voss plans to prepare corned beef and cabbage for the main dish. Seniors are invited to come to dine with us. Seniors may bring potluck food or donate at the entry sign-in table.
There will be a baby shower for Kyra Sheridan and Micheal Ronep.
Friends are invited to attend a reception March 8 to celebrate the 55th wedding anniversary of Vinton and Mary Ellen Englehardt at the Eads Senior Citizen Center from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.