About Town – November 27, 2023
“The Lord God Will be with you, wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
The annual Weisbrod Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar was a success last weekend, even though we were concerned at the last minute because several of our usual vendors didn’t come. Bazaar Chair Linda Trosper signed on new vendors. Eight high school boys from Denise Nelson’s Future Business Leaders of America or STAND Club help arrange furniture before and after the Bazaar. Their names were Spencer Uhland, Kaidan Dunlap, Connor Lynch, Tucker Wallace, Jayson Bletzacker, Phoenix Neal, and Colin Nelson. The townspeople and business people were very generous to donate to our drawing gifts. Claire Lane offered her popular cold beverages and soups. Some of us purchased more than our budgets allowed, but we surely had fun shopping. Any funds the Auxiliary can earn go toward buying equipment or items to make the lives of residents at the Weisbrod Extended Care Unit more comfortable and enjoyable.
It was nice to see out of town people at the Bazaar, such as Ken and Debbie (Howe) Baker from Pueblo, who were down especially to care for their grandchildren, whose parents were in Washington, D.C. where their mother was receiving a national award as Superintendent of McClave School for winning one of the two scholastic awards in the State of Colorado for excellence in scholastics. Another grandmother, Kim Richards, was there with her granddaughters because their mother, Jalynn Oquist, McClave educator and coach, was in Denver involved with a volleyball, event where she had been invited since she was a coach of the outstanding McClave volleyball team at State.
The next day was another big event for many related Weisbrod staff, the annual Thanksgiving dinner. The Lamar Community College Nursing Students were a blessing to give the nurses added help in transporting the residents. Jaton Wallace had decorated the family group tables in fall colors with cloth table clothes and fall centerpieces. Marla Guinn Darnell did a great job of menu planning and cooking with her staff, some of whom were Shoni McKnight, Robin Bohyer, Trista Wood, J. B. Brown, Brenden Refenschnieder, and possibly others, who roasted turkeys, made mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, green beans, and other good foods. The families were also good at bringing salads and desserts for the lovely, scrumptious meal.

Weisbrod Memorial Hospital in Eads, Colorado. © KiowaCountyPress.net / Chris Sorensen
Sunday evening, the Christian Church in Eads hosted the annual community Thanksgiving service. Pastor Mark Imel and Pastors Lane and Deborah Gooden of the Kiowa County Ministerial Alliance led the service of hymns of thanksgiving and the Word.
The hearts of many people in our county and surrounding community have been touched after they heard about the tragic loss of goods and belongings in the Karl and Sara Eikenberg home on Rittgers Street in Eads. They are so grateful for any clothing or goods that people have given through Praise Community Church in Eads. There is a Go Fund Me page, as well as an account setup at GNBank in Eads for the family. I have heard that they may be moving into a nice home in Haswell. This is what they need for their new business in Haswell on Highway 96 - the gas station that also houses Karl’s mechanic shop.

Eikenberg family home heavily damaged by fire in Eads November 13, 2023. © KiowaCountyPress.net / Jeanne Sorensen.
Chad and Shawn Roberson were so happy to have all their grandchildren and their three daughters and husbands at their ranch west of Arlington last Saturday. Brandi and her teenage daughters came from Russel, Kansas, Lakota Cox and husband came from McClave with their son born in April, and Carrie and Greg Neal of Eads came with their triplets born this fall. It was a happy get together for their family.
Jessie Dienes’ mother, Susan, was the quilter of the beautiful quilt with profiles of a buck with huge antlers that people are enjoying when they visit or dine in the large dining room at Weisbrod Hospital. Susan’s quilt won a top award at the Kansas State Fair! Thank you to Linda Trosper for securing that great quilt to display.
Some of us are so eager to watch our first Eads Eagle home basketball game in our home gym in Eads December 1. It will be great to see the Eads Eagles in action on the shiny new floor. There will be middle and high school games with the High Plains School from up north. Then, the following Tuesday, the middle school will have six basketball games in Granada.
December 2 will find the County Line Rivals wrestlers competing over in the Grizzly Invitational Tournament in Fowler.
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Lennox sponsored and drove students to the National Future Farmers of America to the national convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. They were Hailee Trosper, Savanah Brown, Weston Mitchek, Jaden Self, and Shane Winder. This is such an educational trip for our students to experience and to see more of America. They will probably be grateful as the years go by.
Last week, four cars of our family members left early to drive to Kentucky to visit my great niece, Colby Stoker formerly of Haswell, to attend her wedding to local young man, Tyler Hill. When she left to visit her brother, Blake, I urged her not to fall in love with an army man and not come home, but I didn’t think about the possibility of her falling in love with a local man, but she did. A number of her Colorado schoolmates flew or drove to Tennessee or Kentucky to attend their wedding and celebrate with them.
Count your blessings, friends.