American Legion Post #125 hosts annual dinner for veterans
American Legion Post #125 held its annual supper and meeting at the Community Building at the Kiowa County fairgrounds November 11. There were 60 Veterans and guests who attended.
Commander Dan Richards started the evening by welcoming the Veterans and guests, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. A moment of silence was held in remembrance of Max Owens and Dick Scott.
Following the Invocation by Doris Lessenden, a wonderful meal, catered by Jennifer Schofield and her crew from JJ’s Restaurant, was served.
The meeting was called to order. The minutes and financial reports from 2019 and 2020 were approved.
The featured speaker for the evening was Dr. Joseph Carrica III, CEO of the Southeast Health Group. He gave a very interesting presentation on services that they provide.
He was followed by Richard Devlin, American Legion Department Junior Vice Commander, who presented Membership Awards to Commander Richards.
Bob Miller has been an active member of Post #125 for 70 years. A plaque of appreciation was accepted by his son, Marty Miller, as Bob was not able to attend the supper.
Cindy McLoud gave an update on grant applications that she has been working on for the Legion Hall.
Gloria Peck, Michelle Nelson, and Barbara Wroblewski with the Colorado Prairie Quilters were present to award a Quilt of Valor to Bill Trosper.
Two more quilts will be awarded to Don Pfingston and Forrest Frazee later as they were unable to attend. Carol Spady and Marilyn Hagens were also unable to attend. These ladies have made 13 quilts over the past year to present to Veterans for their service. They deserve as special thank you for all of their work on these quilts.
Dan Richards was reelected as Commander, Roland Sorensen as Secretary/Treasurer and Areta Blooding-Laird as Sergeant of Arms.
The door prize for the night was an American flag won by Shirley White.