The basics you need to know about horse care

The basics you need to know about horse care

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Horses are incredibly majestic and beautiful animals that are a wonder to behold and an honor to own. You likely agree with this sentiment if you care for a horse or plan to own and care for one. While the idea of owning a horse is undoubtedly exciting, it can also come with its share of stressors. As such, it makes sense to prepare yourself, which is why you will need to know about the basics of horse care.

Check hooves daily

You cannot disregard the importance of hoof care when it comes to keeping your horse as healthy and happy as possible. Consider the fact that your horse weighs hundreds of pounds, and all that weight rests on four relatively small hooves. Imagine how much it would hurt if they stepped on something sharp or had to walk on overgrown hooves. That is why you should trim their hooves every few weeks and clean them daily. Moreover, consult a farrier if you think your horse might need shoes.

Install a fence

It is no secret that horses have high energy levels and love to remain active, roaming and grazing the land. You don’t want them to stray too far from the stalls, so you should ensure you have a barrier to keep them safe. You should know about certain things to expect when installing an equestrian fence.

Your horse may injure themselves if they can’t see the fence, so ensure the fence is a bright color, like white. It stands out stark against the backdrop of nature. Moreover, your fence should be at least five feet tall so your horses can’t jump it, should they try to run away.

Nutrient-rich diet

When we think about animal diets, we may not assume they require certain nutrients. However, ensuring your horse has the perfect nutrient-rich diet is one of the most basic things you need to know about horse care. As such, you should provide mold-free, high-quality hay, grass, and feed for them to munch on. Moreover, always have a salt or mineral block available, as it helps promote hydration and fluid balance.