Cheyenne Wells Junior High Volleyball Tournament
The focus of the tournament will be to have each school get a lot of court time to build skills and experience. Start time for the first matches will be 9:00 a.m. Saturday, September 16.
All “A” games will be in the New Gym and all “B” games will be in the Old Gym. All “A” teams will get 6 matches on the day and all “B” teams will get 3 matches. Each match will consist of two games played to 15 (cap 15). There will be no third match as in the past, and we will not have a tie breaker due to the fact that no champion will be chosen.
Please park busses in the north end of the old school parking lot. (Blacktop) “A” teams can be dropped off at the new school prior to the bus going to park. We will not be using locker rooms so please keep gym bags with your team in the bleachers or on the side wall out of play.
The first team listed for each game will be the designated “Home” team and will need to provide a book person for that game. Teams listed in parentheses will need to provide 2 line judges for that game. If a court finishes early the next game will not start until the teams are finished. Line judges need to stay with the game they are calling. All warm-ups will be 2-2-1.
We will try to break around noon to give the officials a break. Please police your kids and do not allow them to warm up with volleyballs in the hallways. The CWHS volleyball team will provide concessions in the new school cafeteria.
Gate Prices will be: Family - $12.00 (No Limit); Adults - $5.00; Students - $3.00
“A” Team Tournament
All Games Played in New Gym
Round # North Court South Court
Round 1 Cheyenne Wells* vs Granada (Springfield) Kit Carson* Vs. Bethune (Wiley)
Round 2 Springfield* Vs. Bethune (Cheyenne Wells) Eads* Vs. Wiley (Granada)
Round 3 Wiley* vs Cheyenne Wells (Kit Carson) Springfield* vs Granada (Eads)
Round 4 Kit Carson* vs Granada (Springfield) Cheyenne Wells* vs Eads (Bethune)
Round 5 Springfield* vs. Kit Carson (Wiley) Bethune* vs Eads (Cheyenne Wells)
Round 6 Cheyenne Wells* vs Kit Carson (Bethune) Wiley* vs Springfield (Granada)
Round 7 Bethune* vs Wiley (Kit Carson) Granada* vs Eads (Cheyenne Wells)
Round 8 Eads* vs Kit Carson (Wiley) Bethune* vs Chey. Wells(Springfield)
Round 9 Wiley* vs Granada (Bethune) Chey. Wells* vs Springfield (Eads)
Round 10 Granada* vs Bethune (Kit Carson) Springfield* vs Eads (Chey. Wells)
Round 11 Kit Carson* vs Wiley (Granada)
“B” Team Tournament
All Games Played in Old Gym
Game# Teams
Game 1 Karval* vs Wiley (Eads)
Game 2 Plainview* vs Granada (Karval)
Game 3 Eads* vs Cheyenne Wells (Granada)
Game 4 Springfield* vs Kit Carson (Wiley)
Game 5 Granada* vs Karval (Kit Carson)
Game 6 Wiley* vs Eads (Cheyenne Wells)
Game 7 Kit Carson* vs Plainview (Springfield)
Game 8 Cheyenne Wells* vs Springfield (Plainview)
Game 9 Eads* vs Karval (Wiley)
Game 10 Granada* vs Kit Carson (Cheyenne Wells)
Game 11 Springfield* vs Wiley (Granada)
Game 12 Cheyenne Wells* vs Plainview (Kit Carson)
Designated home team - *
Line Judging ( )