Colorado Pork Producers set annual meeting
The annual meeting of the Colorado Pork Producers Council will be held February 24 at the Morgan County Fairgrounds in Brush. All pork producers, veterinarians, Extension Agents, leaders who work with swine projects, students, youth and other allied members and interested parties are invited to attend.
The highlight of the meeting will be a presentation by the Animal Ag alliance as they share the state of animal welfare movements and attacks on traditional protein production across the United States, and strategies for Agvocates of all sizes/purposes.
The Colorado State Vets office will be giving an update on the Colorado Secure Pork Supply and the current state of preparedness within the state of Colorado in case of a foreign animal disease outbreak.
Youth and youth workers are encouraged to attend since a new cost share program will be unveiled for major infrastructure or program support programs will be discussed and unveiled.
There will be an election of two members for the Colorado Pork Producers Council, and anyone interested in running for the board and are current pork producers within the state of Colorado are asked to contact the CPPC office for information.
The election of Pork Act Delegates for the 2021 Pork Forum will also be conducted. Proof of payment of check off fees is required to run and vote in this election. More information can be found at www.copork.org.