Michelle Wyckoff - Community Columnist

A Day in the Life

By Michelle Wyckoff

Parking Spaces.  Defined by someone on the internet as ” a space where automobiles can be parked.”   In a parking lot.  In Pueblo.  At Walmart.  I find myself  parking there quite frequently.  Any time I feel the need for a really good challenge, I go park there.

I never have trouble finding a space.  After all, there must be more than a thousand spaces to pick from.  Out of those, there might be 100 empties on any given day. The problem is finding my car when I come out.  It’s never where it should be.  Every time I exit the store, I hear Rod Sterling’s voice telling me I’ve just entered the “Twilight Zone.”  It takes me forever to find my car.  I have a red “horn” on my key fob that would ‘honk’ me to it, but I’m always too embarrassed to use it. Everyone would know I lost my car.  Instead, I tour the lot until I get lucky.  

Last week, I went there, and, coming out, I spotted my car right off.  As soon as I saw it, my left eyebrow automatically raised in skepticism, but I counted my blessings and pushed the button to open the hatch in the back.  I had some things to put in there, and it was beginning to rain.  The hatch didn’t open.  I pushed it again, and again, it didn’t open.  When I got there, I realized it wasn’t my car.  It looked just like my car, same make, model and color, but not mine.    

I pushed my cart around the parking lot in the rain, until, after several minutes, I got lucky.  There was my car, right where I’d left it, with the hatch open, ready for me to load.     


May you be STILL  be living the good life, Kari Brown!