DMV Celebrates One Million Online License Renewals
The Colorado Division of Motor Vehicles achieved a major milestone this week when the one millionth identity document (driver license or identification card) was issued through its online renewal service.
Driver License Operations Director David Lindsay emphasized that the online renewal process is easy, fast and secure and it helps to decrease wait times for customers who need to go into a driver license office.
“Customers are always first in line when they renew online. Last year, there were over 180,000 online renewals which represent 44 percent of all eligible Colorado residents. This is a great result, but we hope this number will continue to grow.
“It is an exciting time for Colorado residents and for the DMV. Technology is quickly changing the way people access the DMV, and it is improving the efficiency and effectiveness of our services,” said Lindsay.
Eligible customers may renew their driver license or identification up to two consecutive times online, meaning that an individual could potentially go 15 years without needing to visit a driver license office.
Not all Colorado residents are eligible to renew online. To be eligible, you must meet all the following criteria:
•You are a U.S. citizen.
•You are between 21 and 65 years old.
•You have a regular adult license that is valid OR has been expired for less than one year.
•You have not renewed online two consecutive times.
•Your name is the same as the name on your current driver license or identification card. (You have not gotten married, divorced, etc. or changed your name.)
•Your Social Security number is on file with the department.
•No tests are required (written or road) to renew the license.
•There are no pending or final departmental actions on your record.
•All outstanding tickets are paid.
•You have a good payment record with the department (i.e. no bad checks on file).
The DMV began offering online renewal in 2007.
Driver license and identification card renewal are not the only services the Colorado DMV offers online. Eligible residents may also renew their motor vehicle registration, change their address, change their emergency contact information and make an appointment to visit a driver license office. All of these services are available at Colorado.gov/dmv.