East End Events
Our communities would like to extend their condolences to Penni Shalberg and family on the loss of her father this past week. He lived in Alamosa.
Week before last, Denis and Theresa Weber went to Greeley to visit Denis's sister, Leona Blackwelder, who was in the hospital. They decided to come home instead of going to Fort Morgan to visit other family and were very glad as Fort Morgan was hit with a severe storm that evening. This last weekend, Theresa's brother Marty and wife Teri Gorman from Texas came for a visit. While here, they all went to Prairie Pines to spend time visiting with their brother Mike Gorman.
Kelvin, Amy and Alex Schmidt; Bryan, Dorcas and Abby Berggren and Tim Harris spent last week vacationing at Taylor Park.
Susan Greenfield and Ruth Fees took Josh, Maggie and Mary Catherine Votruba to Holly for supper and to the movie to celebrate the completion of Mary Catherine's summer tutoring.
Dick Scott judged the crops and garden entries at the Cheyenne County Fair Thursday. I went along and visited with Cora Coffman. Cora and I joined Dick for lunch at the fairgrounds.
Dick, Kyle and I went to Garden City Tuesday to do some shopping. Our son, Tom, who was in town for a meeting joined us for lunch.
Sunday dinner guests of Freda Schmidt were: David Splitter of Sheridan Lake and Joe and Callajean Wright, who held the services at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church Sunday. They are retired missionaries from Worldventure Organization out of Denver.
The starting date for school to begin at Plainview has been backed off to August 20. They are still working inside the school on updating the boiler system and various other projects and can use a few extra days to finish the job. So, kids you have one more week of summer vacation. ENJOY!!
The Plainview Junior Class is selling peaches. If interested, please call Sharon Scott or Amy Schmidt to place your order. They will be taking orders for around another 10 days.
Please keep all the people who are ill and their families in your prayers.
Have a good week!