PROMO 660 x 440 Sign Brandon Sheridan Lake Towner East End Events Sharon Scott

East End Events - September 17, 2019

Sharon Scott

The Kiowa County Fair has come and gone for another year. There were a good number of exhibits for everyone to enjoy. The barbeque was good as always, and the watermelon was exceptionally good this year. The multi-colored shade sails over the picnic tables added a festive look to the grounds. The new sidewalk over to the livestock barn and ramps into the grandstand were a much-needed improvement. The livestock sale was well attended, and the kids enjoyed the games that were offered. All in all, I would say it was an enjoyable and successful fair. A big thank you to the Commissioners, Fair Board, Extension staff, 4-H Clubs and the many volunteers that helped to make it a good fair.

We would like to congratulate the Plainview Junior High art class for doing so well on their entries at the fair. Age 14 and up - Joey Specht received a blue ribbon and Grand Champion; Josh Votruba received a second place ribbon and Reserve Champion. Age under 14 - Ky Harkness received a blue ribbon and Grand Champion; Eli Harkness received a second place ribbon and Destiny Cornelius received a third place ribbon.

Connie Weber of Denver was down for the weekend to see her folks and attend the fair with them.

Susan Greenfield's dad, Norm, came from Sterling to spend the weekend with her and to attend the fair.

Larry and Judy Tuttle went to Denver Monday and Tuesday of last week for doctor appointments.

A big thank you to Kyle Scott, Alex Schmidt, Levi Splitter and Ben Splitter for painting the poles for the basketball goals and swings last week. They also put up the basketball backboards and will be hanging the swing seats this week. Also, they assembled the two remaining picnic tables. Our little park is slowly taking shape.

Several people from our area attended the movie "Overcomer" in Tribune over the weekend. It was a really good movie, and if you get a chance to go see it, it is showing in several different theaters around our area.

David and Dennill Splitter and family went to Wisconsin last Thursday to visit with family for a few days.

Dick and I would like to wish a very happy birthday September 16 to our son, Tom, and to our granddaughter, Mikyla, who will be 18 on September 18. Happy birthdays and wishes for many more!

It is a busy time of year for the farmers. They are busy planting wheat, cutting millet, and harvesting corn and milo. We hope for a bountiful and safe fall harvest.

Have a good week!