East End Events
Our communities would like to offer their condolences to the family of Mike Benge who passed away last week. Mike ran the filling station and parts store for several years in Sheridan Lake before moving to Lamar. He always had a smile and enjoyed visiting when he ran into friends. He will be missed by his many friends.
We also offer our condolences to the Braden Lane family on the loss of their loved one this past week.
I just received word this evening of the death of Lowell Cathcart. Lowell grew up in the Holly area and married a Towner girl, Russella Hofmeister. He was living in Oklahoma at the time of his passing. Condolences to his family.
Last Tuesday, our son, Craig Scott, drove in from Chicago where he had attended a conference for Rutgers University and spent the night with us. Wednesday, he picked up his wife Laurie and son Parker at the airport in Denver and they went to Fort Collins to get Parker settled in at Colorado State University. They came back to Towner Sunday and spent the night. They left Monday morning for their home in New Jersey. Lots of miles!!
Last Thursday, Dick, Kyle and I went to La Junta to look at some Goldadore puppies. They were sure cute, and we will be bringing one home with us on the 31st. I thought we were just looking --- should have known better!
School at Plainview starts this Monday. There will be a "welcome back to school night" on Friday at 6:00 p.m. Everyone is invited to come out and join in. Teachers and staff have been very busy the past two weeks trying to get everything ready for the students to come back.
The peaches the Jr. class is selling will be here on the 25th.
If anyone needs cucumbers, summer and zucchini squash or onions, I have lots to sell.
Please keep all the people in our area who are dealing with sickness in your prayers.
Have a great week!!