East End Events End Events - June 4, 2019
Our communities would like to express their condolences to the family of LaVern Vanderwork, who passed away this past week. LaVern and Phyllis lived in Towner many years and raised their family there. When we moved back to Towner, they lived behind us and we enjoyed them as neighbors. Vern always had time to stop and visit with my three little boys and make them feel important. He and Phyllis moved to Eads to be near their son, Vernon Lee, when he became hospital bound. Vern's services were held in Eads Saturday morning. He will be missed by everyone who knew him.
Saturday afternoon we held a memorial service for Dick's brother, Gene Scott, at the Towner Cemetery. Around 30 people were in attendance. After the ceremony everyone came to our home for lunch and visiting before traveling back to their homes.
Weekend before last, Carol Shalberg went to Walsh to decorate graves, and Saturday afternoon she attended a great-niece, Jaci Sharp's, high school graduation. Sunday, Bill and Charlotte Woelk, Merle and Carol Shalberg, Char Korrel and Ed Harrington decorated graves in Sheridan Lake and Lamar. Monday, Carol went to Springfield and met up with her brother, Bill Sharp, and his wife, Jerry, and two of her nieces, Judy Wooley and Rama Self and husband Bill. They all attended a memorial service in Springfield where Bill Self received a "Quilt of Valor." After the memorial service, they went back to Walsh and visited more family.
Saturday evening, Denis, Theresa and Jerry Weber started to Eads to the movie when they hit bad weather, so they turned around and went back home. After a while it cleared up, so they left for Eads again. During the movie everyone had to take shelter in an interior room due to the tornado warning. They finally got to finish the movie and got home safely.
After all the warnings Saturday evening, we received 3/4 of an inch of rain and some wind. I didn't hear of any real bad damage from any storms in our area. We can always use the moisture but would really hate to see the beautiful wheat crop destroyed by more serious storms.
Vern and Joann Harris attended the Vacation Bible School program Sunday evening at the Sheridan Lake Bible Church. They reported a large crowd in attendance, and lots of children in the program.
Larry and Judy Tuttle's daughter, Kim Freeman, her husband, Tim, and daughter, McKenzie, of Nashville, Indiana, visited with them from Wednesday through Friday last week.
Saturday morning, Cheri Hopkins watched her grandson, Layton Hopkins, compete in the Gavin Kleyman Memorial Livestock Show in Tribune, Kansas. Cheri Hopkins, Jen Hopkins and children, Julia and Lincoln, attended a baby shower for Ryker Lenox, Cheri's great-great nephew, in Eads Saturday afternoon.
Jeanie Smith and Susan Greenfield went to Lamar Friday to do some shopping.
There will be a baby shower for Bodey Scott Carney, son of Trevor and Kaylie Carney, June 9 at 4:00 p.m. at the Towner Community Hall. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Have a great week!!