Equipment and tools first-time ranchers need

Equipment and tools first-time ranchers need



Colorado is perhaps the best place in the US, and one of the best areas in the world, to start your own ranch. If you’re a first-time rancher gearing up to start your journey, take some time to explore several essential equipment and tools needed to get started.

A tractor

The first big piece of equipment that a rancher needs is a heavy-duty tractor. From hauling livestock to plowing, harvesting, raking, and baling, many duties fall to the tractor on a ranch. How large the tractor is and what it can do will depend on the type of livestock on your ranch, how much livestock you own, the size of the property, and other key factors.

An off-road transport

Along with a tractor, ranchers also need a way to get around their property quickly and effectively. For many, this means an ATV or a four-wheeler, but don’t underestimate the utility of other off-road vehicles like golf carts. While it may seem silly to use a golf cart, there are many reasons you should get an electric golf cart for your ranch, as they’re incredibly dependable and useful for ranchers.

Post hole digger

Of all the equipment and tools first-time ranchers need, a post hole digger is one of the most important. A post hole digger does exactly what its name suggests—it digs holes for your fence’s posts. A lot of ranching involves building and mending fences, and digging post holes by hand is grueling and time-consuming. A post hole digger makes this task into a one-person job that can be completed much faster and easier.

Feed and water troughs

You’ve got to keep your ranch’s livestock well-fed, so there’s no denying the importance of quality food and water troughs. Ranchers also need feed storage to ensure their livestock’s feed isn’t infested with vermin or spoils. You may only need a certain amount of livestock equipment at first, but you’ll want to futureproof your ranch if you plan to expand your livestock later.

Veterinarian supplies

Lastly, you must keep your livestock healthy and prevent disease from spreading throughout the ranch. Unless you always want to call the vet and pay for their services, you could save time and money by investing in medical vet supplies. Simple things like penicillin, antiseptic spray, and deworming supplies will save you time and help you treat your animals yourself.

There’s a lot more equipment and supplies needed to run a ranch properly, but these are the simple basics to get you started. Investing in a high-quality tractor, transport, digger, and livestock equipment and supplies will ensure you start on the right foot as a first-time Colorado rancher!