From the Extension Agent’s Desk - Summer 4-H in Full Swing!
The 2017 4-H year is in high gear and is projecting to be one the best yet! Everyone has their project books and getting a jump on their projects from clothing construction, food & nutrition, livestock, leathercraft, heritage arts, and shooting sports to name a few.
Just as school got out, kids in both 4-H and FFA brought sheep and goats to the small animal weigh-in at the fairgrounds. Miss Todd and I have been tagging swine on the farm to mitigate the spread of swine disease which has been a lot of fun. The swine show should be outstanding as there are a lot of quality swine out there. The best part about being an agent is getting to do farm tours and help kids with their animals. There are some awfully proud animal owners out there and they are all doing a good job with them!
There have been some camps underway as well with Samantha Courkamp, Cade McDowell, Madison McDowell, and Chase Stolzenberger attending the Be Somebody camp in Burlington. Katherine Trosper, Hailee Trosper, Alexa Nelson, and Clayton Nelson just got back from Caballeros and Clovers camp at the Colorado State Fairgrounds. Molly Stolzenberger, Ryan Koeller, and Emily Nelson will be headed to Fort Collins for the 4-H State Conference shortly to attend workshops. Emily will be competing in the livestock judging contest.
Towards the end of the month, Lakota Roberson will be teaching a lamb and goat showmanship clinic for some of our first-time showers. It is open to anyone that would like to sharpen their showmanship skills. Then on the 1st of July, several of our shooting sports kids will be traveling to La Junta to compete in the first District VI Shooting Sports Competition. The annual fashion revue will be on soon after that.
So, as you can see, it has been a wild ride thus far and will keep up the rest of the summer as they finish projects and present them at exhibit day and of course the fair. We look forward to seeing you at various events throughout the summer as we “Make the Best Better”!