Gardner, Bennet, Buck Announce $8.3 Million INFRA Grant for Ports-to-Plains Project
Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO), Michael Bennet (D-CO), and Representative Ken Buck (CO-04) announced the U.S. Department of Transportation is awarding the Colorado Department of Transportation a nearly $8.3 million Infrastructure For Rebuilding America (INFRA) grant for its US 287 project. The project seeks to add approximately 12 miles of passing lanes along US 287 in outheast Colorado known as the Ports-to-Plains Corridor.
“I am thrilled to see US 287 is receiving this important funding, as it is a vital freight route and is key to Southeastern Colorado’s connectivity,” said Senator Gardner. “This funding will help upgrade infrastructure in rural Colorado, bolster safety, reduce congestion, and create a more efficient path for commercial freight to travel in and out of Southeast Colorado.”
“Colorado’s Ports-to-Plains Corridor is crucial to our state and our country’s energy, agriculture, and tourism industries,” said Senator Bennet. “To keep pace with Colorado’s growth, our highways require significant investment. This grant will enable CDOT to add passing lanes along US 287, alleviating congestion and enhancing safety.”
“Infrastructure is an important facet of our nation’s economy and vital to our way of life in eastern Colorado,” said Congressman Buck. “I’m glad to see the U.S. Department of Transportation award CDOT with much-needed funding for our state’s Ports-to-Plains project so we can help ease commercial freight travel and improve safety along the US 287 corridor.”