Home Country – Knowing what you’re doing
It was Thursday again. Mabel Adams asked at the desk to be sure.
“Thursday all day, Mabel,” the girl said. “Don’t forget to get your hair done today. Two o’clock … right?”
“Right,” Mabel said, locking the time away in her mind. “Two o’clock. On Thursday.”
She took her purple walker and went half a block to the counter at the drug store.
That nice Williams girl came over with a smile and a menu.
“Tuna on toast, Mrs. Adams?”
“Uh, sure. I like that.”
“Hot tea?”
“Yes please.”
After she ate, she started down the sidewalk toward the Curl Up ‘N Dye beauty parlor. The watch pinned on her dress said one forty-five.
Mabel went over to her usual chair and sat down. Fran came over and looked at Mabel’s hair with a smile.
“You still look pretty ravishing, Mabel,” she said. “Sure you want a touch-up today?”
Mabel nodded.
“Going to watch that movie with the girls tonight?”
Movie. Tonight.
“Sure,” said Mabel.
It's nice to live in a small town, because if you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.