Kiowa County Commissioners’ Minutes – June 14
Kiowa County Courthouse in Eads, Colorado. © Chris Sorensen
Kiowa County Commissioners’ Minutes – June 14
The June 14, 2016; Kiowa County Commissioners Meeting was called to order at 9:05
a.m. by Chairman Richard Scott. Oswald opened the meeting with prayer and the Pledge
of Allegiance.
Those present were:
Richard Scott, Chairman of Board
Cindy McLoud, Commissioner
Donald Oswald, Commissioner
Delisa Weeks, County Clerk
Tina Adamson, County Administrator
McLoud moved and Oswald seconded the motion to accept the minutes as presented. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved and Scott seconded the motion to approve the minutes of Special meeting. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to pay vouchers as presented. There were 3 questioned . All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to accept the agenda as presented with the additions to New Business: Permits, a Dismissal Letter, Landfill and the DSS Amendments and in Old Business: TANIF for Daycare. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Sheriff Sheridan and Undersheriff Six entered the meeting at 09:20 a.m. and Maintenance Foremen Mike Crain entered the meeting at 09:25 a.m. Sheriff Sheridan visited with the Commissioners in regards to the locks on the courthouse. Some of the locks are starting to go bad. The Sheriff would like to implement a replacement program for the locks. Sheridan said the new and old locks are compatible with each other. Oswald moved to purchase two high security door locks and McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Sheridan provided an update in regards to the airplane wreck that occurred in May on the east end of the county. He said it could possibly take up to a year before the final report becomes available from FAA.
Sheriff Sheridan also visited with the commissioners in regards to a possible purchase of a used state patrol car that is fully equipped. He said the car would be fully equipp ed with cage, lights, and radio. The two part- time deputies would use this car. Sheridan said the two part time deputies who would be using this vehicle have written approximately $116,000.00 in tickets this year. Scott said they would not vote on this matter at this time since there will need to be more discussions before making any decisions.
John Marrin with Lamar Community College entered the meeting at 09:54 a.m. to give his final update. He thanked the Board for their time and their servitude. Mr. Marrin will be retiring shortly but wanted to ensure the commissioners the fall program is already in the works for LCC. Marrin reported the new dorm addition will be used this fall.
Eunice Weber, Director of the Ambulance Services; met with the commissioners to request approval for Kip Peck to become an ambulance driver. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to approve Kip Peck as an ambulance driver. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Grants: Oswald said White Construction was the only construction company that expressed interest for the bidding on the Murdock Building.
Adamson said the COSI Grant was approved and someone will be receiving this fall.
Randy Camey and Jimmy Brown entered the meeting at 11 :00 a.m. to represent the Plannin g and Zoning Board. Denise Gibbons, Selena Koler and Gary Mueller with TriState Transmission met with the commissioners to discuss the transmission lines that may be coming into Kiowa County. The transmission line being discussed will be 109 miles long. It will start at Burlington and run south and end near Lamar. Ms. Koler said most residents of Kiowa County are cooperating with Tri-State. The commissioners will have a work day and will meet with Tri State again and discuss the regulations and permits that will be required for the transmission lines to run through Kiowa County. Tri State thanked the board and exited the meeting.
Jail Diversion: McLoud said next Corrections meeting will be held on June 281
h. The Stepping Up Initiative will be meeting at 11 :00 with three speakers and then the
Correction meeting will follow. McLoud will also be speaking for the Stepping Up
The Events Planner Update was discussed and decided that the Horse Racing could continue at the fairgrounds. This will be discussed further at the work session on June 20, 2016. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to break for lunch. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Tammie Clark and JoLynn Idler with Prowers/Kiowa Health Services entered the meeting to review the seven bids for the purchase of the CMG Coordinators' vehicle. After discussion, Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to purchase the 2016 Equinox all wheel drive from Daniel's Long Chevrolet. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Clark and Idler thanked the commissioners. The total purchase price for the Equinox is $22,540.20, which will come out of the regional CMG Funds which Kiowa County oversees.
Mr. Jon Becker with Viaero met with the commissioners to introduce Band 365. Mr. Becker is requesting support from the commissioners for the need of broadband especially in the eastern part of the county. The Commissioners agreed they will sign the letter of support. Mr. Becker thanked them for their time.
The Fire District update was provided and the attorney for this special district was contacted. The election calendar was reviewed and it was decided to proceed with the Special Fire District Plan. There will be a Special Hearing on August 1, 2016 for the public to voice their objections or support for the formation of this district.
Lake Clean-Up - No Action at this time.
Roland Sorensen with the American Legion met with the commissioners to discuss the repairs that need to be addressed at the Legion Hall. The Legion asked if the county could dig the trench for the water line that needs to be replaced. The commissioners said the county would be able to assist on this matter.
Hospital District Appointment: Oswald moved to appoint John Negley to the Kiowa County Hospital Board. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The Social Services T ANF Funds of approximately $9000.00 was reviewed. These kinds of funds can be used to assist daycare programs and this funding can be passed through KCEDF. Scott moved to allow Dennis Pearson, Social Service Director to be able to access the TANF funds for a daycare or daycare programs. Oswald seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Upcoming meetings and reports were reviewed and signed.
No Time off requests was made.
The Beer Garden Policy/Resolution was reviewed. Scott said he thought the alcohol policy should be a part of the resolution. Adamson will make the final corrections and additions and will present at the next meeting.
Letters to the Gravel Pit Owners: Oswald moved to send out letters to the gravel pit owners. Scott seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Two permit requests were presented and reviewed. Kenny Lindholm and Citation Oil and Gas made the requests. Oswald moved and McLoud seconded to approve the two permits to cross a public right of way. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The landfill issues will be discussed at the work session on June 20th.
DSS Amendments: Oswald moved to approve the signing of the incentive from HCPF Funds. McLoud seconded the motion. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
Scott moved and Oswald seconded to motion to issue a Letter of Dismissal to a county employee. All Commissioners voted Affirmative.
The personnel issue on time cards was discussed. Krissy Ray, with Human Resources is addressing this issue.
The next Commissioner's Meeting will be June 30, 2016.
Oswald moved and McLoud seconded the motion to adjourn the meeting. All Commissioners voted Affirmative. Meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m.